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Physical Exercise or Body Workout

Definition of Exercise: Exercise is defined as a physical activity that utilizes planned, structured, and repetitive physical activity to improve the health of one or more body parts. Be strong and cultivate virtues such as bravery, resourcefulness, and safeguarding the collective good.

Meaning of Exercise: Exercise also means workout i.e. an activity Interpretation to improve work ability through production labor. Most people exercise in premises called gym. People form physical and mental fitness network or groups for proper information and sharing fitness images of themselves for proper motivation. It refers to forging or smelting source.


Table of Content


1. Health science terms

▪ Exercise time

▪ Winter and summer fitness

▪ Scientific fitness

2. Notes



‘Exercise’ Word Basic Information

Basic explanation: The original meaning of exercise is to strike and forge the sword, and it is extended to improve consciousness and work ability through productive labor, social struggle and work practice.


Q. Explain ‘Exercise’ in detail

Ans. Exercise refers to forging or smelting. It refers to strengthen the body through physical activity, and cultivate virtues such as bravery, alertness, and safeguarding the collective good.

This is brought through productive labor, social struggle and work practice, consciousness and work ability can be improved.

It also refers to movement or long workout.


Showing Physical Exercise by girl

What is smelting and forging?

1. Smelting and forging "Human iron and stone are natural, and those who are still forging chains will change their qualities.


If people have the nature of the five constants, the sages have not yet mastered the forging ears, so what is the bad nature of suffering?

If take the iron home and exercise it day and night. It took three whole years of spirit to forge two swords.


2. Smelting and forging refers to making the body strong through sports. As long as students are psychologically able to fully understand the purpose of sports, it is to exercise their own bodies, not to win competitions, but to make them do it properly.


Health Science Terminology

Which is the best Exercise Time?

The study found that high-intensity exercise can be carried out two hours after meals. Moderate exercise should be arranged one hour after meals.

Light exercise is most reasonable half an hour after meals. 

According to this, several optimal exercise time periods can be derived:

Morning time: Morning until before breakfast

Morning session: 2 hours after breakfast to before lunch

Afternoon session: 2 hours after lunch to before dinner

Evening hours: 2 hours after dinner to bedtime

There are pros and cons to exercise in each of the above periods.

For example, in the morning period, if the exercise intensity is not properly controlled, it is easy to cause hypoglycemia.

However, exercising in the morning and afternoon is influenced by objective factors such as work, work and housework.


Modern exercise physiology studies have shown that the highest and lowest points of human physical strength are controlled by the body's "biological clock", which generally peaks in the evening.

For example, the metabolic rate of the human body will reach its peak between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm, and the flexibility and flexibility of the body will also reach the best state.

The regulation of heart beat and blood pressure is most balanced between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm , and the body's sense of smell, touch, vision, etc. are also the most sensitive between 5:00 and 7:00 pm. Therefore, on the whole, the effect of exercise in the evening is better.

In addition, the activity of hormones in the human body is also in a good state between 4:00 and 7:00 in the afternoon, and the body's adaptability and nerve sensitivity are also the best. Therefore, experts advocate exercise in the evening, but in the evening, pay attention to the intensity of exercise, otherwise too high intensity will excite the sympathetic nerves and prevent falling asleep.


Which is the best time of day to exercise?

Afternoon: (14:00-16:00): It is a good time to strengthen physical strength, and the muscle endurance is 50% higher than other times.

Dusk: (17:00-19:00): Especially when the sun sets, the human body's exercise capacity reaches its peak, and the senses such as vision and hearing are more sensitive, and the heart rate and blood pressure also rise.


What time not to exercise?

After meals: At this time, more blood flows to the stomach to help food digestion and absorption. At this time, exercise will hinder the digestion of food, which will lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal system and affect the health of the body for a long time. Therefore, it is best to sit or lie down for 30 to 45 minutes after meals and exercise.

After drinking: Alcohol is absorbed into the blood and enters the brain, heart, liver and other organs. 

Exercise at this time will increase the burden on these organs. Compared with exercise after meals, exercise after drinking has a greater negative impact on the human body.


Health reminder: Outdoor fitness is not the sooner the better

In the cold winter, many people choose to exercise in the morning to enhance their immunity.

Is outdoor fitness the sooner the better? 

Relevant health experts suggest that outdoor fitness in winter is suitable for after sunrise.

It is understood that the ground temperature before sunrise in winter is lower, and the content of pollutants such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide released in the early morning air is higher.

Working out children

In addition, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, lead and other harmful pollutants in the exhaust gas of automobiles also gather on the ground. If people get up early to exercise, they will inhale a lot of smoke and toxic gases.

Exercising in this environment for a long time may cause fatigue, dizziness, pharyngitis and other diseases, endangering your health.


Winter Fitness and Summer Fitness

Winter fitness should be around 10 o'clock. At this time, the sun comes out and basks on the ground, so that the atmosphere begins to convect up and down, and the polluted air spreads to the high altitude, which will reduce the damage to the human body.

In addition, the morning temperature in winter is low, and it will not slowly ease until half an hour after the sun comes out

In the first month or two of winter and spring, you should avoid the peak of air pollution at six or seven in the morning.

In summer and autumn, the sun comes out early, and you can exercise at five or six o'clock.

In normal times, you can choose between 10 am and 3 or 4 pm to do recess exercises or other sports. At this time, the air is cleaner, which is more beneficial to health.

It's best not to exercise outdoors on a foggy morning. Due to air pollution, fog contains many substances that are harmful to human body.

When people do strenuous activities such as long-distance running in the fog, some sensitive parts of the body are exposed to these harmful substances and inhaled in large quantities, which may cause bronchitis, laryngitis, conjunctivitis and allergic diseases.

So on a foggy morning, we can change our morning exercise indoors instead of going outdoors.


What is scientific fitness?

Some people are accustomed to exercising on an empty stomach in the morning, and some people advocate physical exercise after dinner.

When is the best time to exercise? 

We think it is appropriate to start exercising half an hour or an hour after breakfast or dinner.

Exercise poses of human body

Exercising before meals may cause blood sugar fluctuations. It may be hypoglycemic due to delayed meals, or it may be hyperglycemic due to no medication.

Of course, it may be that blood sugar is first low and then high due to the Su Mujie reaction, so it is best to Put exercise time after meals.

In order to avoid the impact on the function of the digestive system, it is best to do physical exercise more than half an hour after the end of the meal.

Physical exercise after dinner is worth advocating, because most people eat more dinner, and most people just read newspapers or TV programs after dinner, and have little physical activity, which is very unfavorable for lowering blood sugar and losing weight.

The first is to avoid exercise for a period of time after meals. 

This is because after-dinner games.

Stimulate the stomach: Exercising after a full meal will bring mechanical stimulation to the stomach, causing the dissolved substances in the stomach to vibrate left and right, up and down, which may cause symptoms such as vomiting and stomach cramps.

Disordered blood flow distribution: Digestive organs need a large amount of blood to digest and absorb after eating a full meal. 

When the muscles of the whole body are exercising, they also need a large amount of blood to participate, so the blood volume of the digestive organs will be deprived, resulting in digestive and absorption dysfunction. 

This disorder not only affect the effect of exercise and harm the body.

Affect the effect of exercise: The parasympathetic nerves in the body are easily inhibited after eating. At this time, if the body wants to exercise, the exercise effect will be reduced.

The increase in insulin secretion after a meal will inhibit the use of blood sugar in the muscles and brain for energy, which is not conducive to exercise.  



6 worst exercise habits

Simply going to the gym does not guarantee you a good workout. Reading a magazine while running, skipping breakfast and going to an aerobics class is something that a lot of people do on a regular basis, and it doesn't work as well as you might think.

Here are the six worst physical exercise habits personal trainers can see every day, along with the best ways to keep you from wasting time at the gym.

Gym Fitness and running infographics

Exercising while reading If you're concentrating on reading a fashion magazine, that means you can't pay attention to the sport you're doing at the same time. Reading while exercising is the worst thing to do, says Amy Hough, a fitness consultant at New York Sports Club. "If you're going to exercise, you have to focus on your body," she said. 

If you need to do something else at the same time to make your workout less boring, Hough suggests watching TV with headphones on, which doesn't require as much concentration as reading.

Exercising until you sweat Exercising until you sweat may make you feel like you're getting a fuller workout, but it's actually only costing you a few pounds of water.

In addition to being unhealthy, it has no effect whatsoever. "One of the things that has puzzled me for 30 or 40 years is that people are still trying to lose weight by sweating a lot," said Marc Ochipinti, president of the American Federation of Fitness Professionals. That would reduce the weight, but what they're doing is actually dehydrating themselves."

Excessive sweating can also lead to cramps and other sports injuries. When exercising, make sure you have a bottle of water on hand so you can rehydrate at any time.

Simply riding a stationary bike or running on a treadmill will not provide strength training. 

"You can burn 100 calories by walking a mile; but in the same 20 minutes, you can burn 300 to 400 calories with weight-bearing exercise on equipment," says Ochbinti.

Strength training can also help you strengthen the muscle groups you need for everyday life, such as climbing stairs or lifting heavy objects, and helps you maintain muscle shape and delay muscle relaxation that comes with age.


Bypassing Weightlifting Women are often afraid that lifting weights will make them look like bodybuilders.

Actually don't be afraid. It is a common misconception that weightlifting or strength training will cause women to develop large muscles.

"It's not going to happen unless you're on growth hormone at the same time," Ochipinti said. "Doing weightlifting doesn't make you a scary monster."

Exercise on an empty stomach Exercising on an empty stomach is like driving a tank without oil. Your body needs energy to function.

Some healthy snacks, like oatmeal or bananas, can be digested during the drive to the gym and provide the extra energy you need for the rest of your workout.

This is especially important when exercising in the morning, because after a night, your stomach is empty and your calories are exhausted.

You need to give it some fuel to get it to restart.


Going to the gym and pretending to know everything won't do you any good. One of the worst habits for gym newbies is to walk around the gym trying to do what everyone around them is doing.

There are usually some trainers in the gym. Ochipinti recommends making good use of these coaches. "If you're really in doubt about the right form of exercise, don't hesitate to ask them," she says.

"You have to know how to avoid sports injuries." Likewise, when you're new to a fitness class, any Let your teacher know about discomfort or concerns, and your body will benefit from it.


What are some exercise precautions for the elderly?

To choose a suitable exercise program: It is best for the elderly to do a more comprehensive physical examination before exercising, and then choose an appropriate exercise program according to their physical conditions.

At the same time, the results of the physical examination can be used as objective indicators before exercise, which is convenient to compare with the situation after exercise to judge the effect of exercise.

If your health has always been good, you can also check it yourself, such as squatting 10-20 times in a row, or running in place for 15 seconds to see if there are symptoms such as palpitations, shortness of breath, chest tightness and discomfort, and if not, you can start exercising.

Exercises for the elderly must be selected according to their health conditions, conditions, and hobbies.

Fitness and health conditions

Generally speaking, it is advisable to choose sports that can get better exercise for each joint and each part of the muscles, such as jogging, brisk walking, swimming, Tai Chi, Power Yoga, etc. However, a competitive sport or Exercise equipment can also be used.


Exercise should be done step by step: as the saying goes, "Frozen three feet is not a day's cold", "one bite can't make you fat". Participating in sports and exercise must not be rushed, but should be carried out with purpose, plan, and steps, and accumulated over time, so as to obtain satisfactory exercise results.

At the same time, the amount of exercise should be small when you start exercising, and then gradually increase after you get used to it.

After a period of exercise, if you feel feverish and slightly sweaty during exercise, and feel relaxed and comfortable after exercise, your appetite and sleep are all good, indicating that the amount of exercise is appropriate and the effect is good, you should stick to it.

Exercise moves from easy to difficult, from simple to complex, from slow to fast, and the time should gradually increase.

Every time you exercise, you should pay attention to moving from static to dynamic, from dynamic to static, and combining dynamic and static.

In addition, it is necessary to master the essentials, skills and exercise methods of the movements.

Exercise must be persistent: in order to achieve good results through physical exercise, you must persevere, and never "fishing for three days and drying the net for two days". It is best to keep exercising every day, about half an hour each time.

When it is really difficult, exercise should not be less than 3 times a week. At the same time, it is necessary to arrange the time reasonably, develop the good habit of exercising on time, and pay attention to the proper amount of exercise.

Exercise according to exercise prescription: because exercise prescription can make us exercise with purpose, plan and science.

In the case where an exercise prescription cannot be issued, a physical examination and an exercise load test must be strictly carried out before physical exercise.

The amount of exercise should be small at the beginning, and gradually increase until the effective intensity and effective time.

Strengthen medical supervision during exercise: The purpose of strengthening medical supervision is to be safe and prevent excessive fatigue or accidental injury. For example, jogging should not be too fast.

On the one hand, it is easy to cause ankle sprains, and people with high blood pressure are prone to accidents, and may also cause angina pectoris due to hypoxia. 

During the run, you can run and walk alternately, breathe naturally, move slowly and rhythmically, and avoid holding your breath or excessive force. In particular, the elderly with arteriosclerosis should avoid actions that cause a sudden increase in blood pressure, such as handstands, sudden bowing, and bending over.

Always know your pulse, blood pressure and physical health, and do a good job of self-monitoring.

After exercising, if you have a relaxed mind, happy spirit, mild fatigue, good appetite and sleep, stable pulse, and normal blood pressure, it means that the amount of exercise is appropriate and the physical condition is good, and you can continue to exercise.

Showing workout with fitness equipment

If you have headache, chest tightness, heartbeat discomfort, loss of appetite, poor sleep, and obvious fatigue and tiredness after exercise, it means that the amount of exercise is too much and should be adjusted or temporarily stopped for a period of time.

When exercising, the elderly can use the pulse immediately after exercise and recovery time to control the amount of exercise.

Generally, 170 is used to subtract age. This formula is the pulse standard immediately after exercise, and generally should not exceed 110 beats/min. It is advisable to return to the pre-exercise pulse level within 5 to 10 minutes after exercise.

The elderly should follow a normal life system during physical exercise: pay attention to the amount of nutrients and eat more foods that are easy to digest, high in protein, high in vitamins, and low in fat.

To quit smoking, because smoking can induce angina, and can increase the incidence of lung cancer. Drinking less or abstaining from alcohol can protect the liver.


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                      Top  Well being Tips for Males and Females

In day today's life every one is busy with their stuffs and they usually don't get time to look after their health and to take care of themselves. Here are some simple fitness tips for mens and womens to better their health and well being:


1. Eat solid edibles

Nutritious food varieties give you energy and may lessen your possibilities getting specific infections. Incorporate vegetables, foods grown from the ground free or low-fat milk items.

Fitness and Well being of men infographics

2. Maintain a solid body mass

Being large or overweight can expand your possibilities getting a stroke, coronary illness, hypertension and diabetes. 

Discover your weight file (BMI-Body Mass Index) to check whether or not you are in danger. 

Along these lines, get more dynamic, eat good food varieties and control your piece sizes.

3. Get moving

Normal actual work is very fundamental for your well being. Look for a decent simple exercise to begin with.

4. Be sans smoke

Smoking is related with a significant number of the main sources of death, like stroke, lung illness and disease. Additionally, swear off recycled smoke.

5. Get standard screening and tests

Get some information about how frequently you expect to be inspected. Continuously request evaluating tests for certain circumstances and sicknesses, including physically sent diseases, diabetes, elevated cholesterol, specific kinds of malignant growth and hypertension.

6. Manage pressure

Adjusting family and work commitments can be extreme. 

Nonetheless, it is fundamental to safeguard your physical and mental prosperity. Track down solid choices to assist you with adapting to pressure.

7. Getting sufficient rest

Absence of appropriate rest can influence your state of mind and your well being. Check with your wellbeing specialist in the event that you think you have a major issue. 

8. Know your dangers

Figure out what your way of life might mean for your gamble of medical conditions. For example, men who work with specific synthetic substances expect to make defensive strides. 

Figure out how to monitor your family clinical history and talk about this with your well being professional.

9. Stay safe

Security represents numerous things, for example, wearing head protectors, safety belts, keeping well being guidelines at work and furthermore having working smoke alarms. 

It likewise implies utilizing insurance during sex, wearing sunscreen, cleaning up routinely and dealing with your teeth.

It's vital to practice routinely. While that is been sound guidance for a long time, unfortunately exceptionally a few people are following it. 

Taking into account that in the wake of missing fourteen days of activity schedules limit begins to diminish, obviously practice is the way to progress. Here you will observe extreme aide for health and wellbeing tips and you will figure out how to carry on with more solid and fit way of life.

Numerous people are normally really meager and can likewise appears to be a piece off-kilter. 

You can put it on hereditary variables or whatever, but their body simply won't add any mass.

Wellness has never been of much significance in the present life where both the people are enjoying the multiple ways of hurting his/her body; smoking, drinking, unhealthy food with no actual work or exercise, dozing late around evening time and moreover. However, human is adequately shrewd to track down the ways of including all out wellness into their lives to conquer impacts of the pressure.

      Peruse Product Labels

Basic, correct? Anyway we all don't get it done. We base our choices on a case shows up and factors like expense. The thing mark records the quantity of the sustenance and calories, the food contains. 

It's genuinely easy to acknowledge how much sugar, fat, and fake fixings each thing involves. Being educated is the underlying advance toward a far solid eating regimen.

If you want to put on weight, simply consume 500 extra calories every day, except remember to initially design a healthfully balance diet containing proper measures of proteins, starches and fats along with miniature supplements like minerals and nutrients.

Also, simply keep away from healthfully poor/void food. You could wind up putting weight at some unacceptable spots, as well as raising your cholesterol and disturbing your blood insulin levels. 

Monitoring the number of calories you eat in a day will be useful in the preparation out your actual working out.

At any point can't help thinking about why the muscle heads' weights are so large? That is on the grounds that they plan out their suppers and take in more solid calories than a normal individual. 

Then again, shedding pounds and making progress toward a skinnier build will include more actual exercise than the calories you ingest.

      Keep away from Canned or Frozen Food

I realize these merchandise simplify life. In any case, buying your food new suggests it - lower in compounds, more extravagant in supplements, and by and large better.

      Make certain to Get Enough Sleep

Despite the fact that the vast majority of us have eight-hour occupations during day or night, it's essential to get sufficient rest to re-energize our body's batteries. Six to eight hours of rest will move your body along over the course of the day.

Yet, assuming you end up feeling tired anytime subsequent to returning home from the work, by all means lay down for a little rest before the working out. 

You should just rest for about thirty minutes. This will keep you from remaining up later in night.

      Drink Plenty of Water

What you drink is as vital to your wellbeing. However, you want to guarantee that you're not drinking extra-calories. 

A common rule is to drink refreshments, that are plain. Creator espressos, refreshments, and sugar drinks contain sugar substitution, a lot of sugar, or calories. 

Drinking sufficient water is one of most significant wellness tips. It is suggested that one should drink somewhere around 3-4 liters of water each day. 

Water keeps up with the level of our organic liquids, scrubs our framework and hydrates our skin.

      Practice Daily

You should exercise day by day for at minimum 60 minutes. You don't need to off yourself from running, running, and so forth, however you ought to have some kind of moderate actual work or action in your day to day existence and schedule. 

Assuming you are hoping to shed a couple of pounds quick, do a more elevated level power exercise or exercise.

For instance, go on a stroll at a lively speed for no less than 60 minutes. Or on the other hand, you can run and set the specific stretches to run during that hour. 

Ensure you're not in the extreme torment during your exercise. 

It very well might be bothering, yet it implies that your body is improving. Make certain to remain hydrated, stretch, and eat food varieties with a nice measure of the protein after every exercise.

       Nibble Around

Have 3 snacks per day in the middle of the 3 dinners. 

A mix of 3 dinners and 3 snacks a day is perfect. Simply make sure to remain off undesirable tidbits.

Instead, you can attempt nutritious food sources like nuts, seeds, natural products, cheddar, and so forth.

        Wellness Diet

   Food choices

The thought is to pack in calories and put on weight without heaping on overabundance weight. 

Pepper your eating routine with healthfully rich food sources like potatoes, corn, earthy colored rice, earthy colored bread, bananas alongside other such fatty food sources.


a). Keep up with the wellness diet with vegetables, organic products, proteins, starches, unsaturated fats, mono-unsaturated fat, poly-unsaturated fat and different supplements.

b). Keep away from handled food, unhealthy food and other food with the soaked and trans-fat substance.

Your dinner should incorporate a wide scope of food varieties - bland food varieties, protein rich food varieties, calorie rich food sources, stimulating oils, and a few food sources wealthy in fiber, similar to vegetables and natural products.

      Eat More Often

Taking 3 gigantic suppers and more prominent spans, it is experimentally demonstrated that 5 more modest dinners at 4 hour stretches would be better and is the secret to get you far from the gorging.

It is additionally extremely indispensable to eat lesser in these suppers as day advances.

      Follow A Healthy Lifestyle

Try not to smoke, drinking, handled food, low quality food, food varieties with elevated cholesterol, salt, sugar and the oil.

      Try not to Skip Your Meals

You ought to never avoid your suppers which is actually an unfortunate quirk. Try not to avoid 3 day by day suggested suppers - breakfast, lunch and supper.

Make your morning meal and lunch huge, yet keep the supper somewhat light, as dozing on a full midsection isn't really great for well being by and large. It ruins your metabolic cycle and makes it more challenging to process to additional dinners.

In the event that you regularly avoid your morning meal, you might be set out toward inconvenience, says Leah Cahill, PhD, of the Harvard School of Public Health.

 "As we rest all the night we are fasting, thus in the event that we consistently don't 'break quick' toward the beginning of the day, it places a strain on our bodies that throughout the time can prompt the sort 2 diabetes, insulin obstruction and pulse issues."

Assuming you are thinking about fasting consistently, talk with an enlisted dietitian or other sustenance genius to guarantee that you're getting an adequate number of nutrients, protein, minerals, and fundamental unsaturated fats in your bites and dinners.

      Try not to Wait Till You Are Hungry

One of the most essential signals your body conveys is the one for hunger. That natural stomach snarl tells us it is an ideal opportunity to eat something. Ghrelin, the body's craving chemical, is delivered in pancreas and the stomach coating and attempts to animate hunger.



Regardless of whether you incline toward 6 more modest dinners or 3 primary suppers daily, listen constantly to your body letting you know it's full. In the event that you have furnished it with the enough energy, it will tell you, normally inside 20 minutes after your supper time. 

Eat before you feel food cravings, since you will quite often eat more than the necessary sum when you feel hunger.

Whenever our glucose drops genuinely low, we will generally get all the food we can get our hands on. This is clearly not great when you are attempting to lose your weight.

Wellbeing and Fitness Tips For Women

Despite the fact that there are numerous logical reasons that men are more grounded than the ladies, it doesn't imply that wellness practices and the exercise are just implied for men.

Fitness and wellbeing of women infographics

      The following are the wellness tips for the ladies that set them up well towards the actual activities and exercises.


      The bones of ladies are inclined to become more vulnerable and more delicate  when they step in their 30s. 

    It's essential that they take unique consideration of their bones, and attempt to remember more calcium for their eating routine.



      Focusing on your eating regimen, and never avoid your suppers in anticipation of shedding pounds faster. IT NEVER WORKS AT ALL.


      Incorporate iron and the folic acids into your eating regimen for better blood flow, by polishing off a greater amount of green verdant vegetables, juices, beans, chicken, and so on



  Snare on to the cardio, either by joining a rec center or basically running or climbing the steps. Any sort of cardio is really great for you.


      Get a bit of 'personal time', to renew your energy and re-energize your psyche and the body. Go out for a walk, Read a book, or pay attention to alleviating music. Anything causes you to feel loose.



      Eliminate the liquor, as it has never done well to both of genders. Ladies are prescribed not to polish off in excess of 14 units of the liquor seven days (contingent upon the strength of alcohol).

Final Words

The article mentions how the boys and girls will take care of their health and wellness.

 Hope you will like the tips and if you like it please feel free to comment...


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Introduction to Novel Coronavirus Detection Kits

Novel coronavirus detection kits can be divided into two categories according to the testing principle: one is nucleic acid detection kits, and the other is antibody detection kits, both of which are clinically used to diagnose new coronavirus infection.


Nucleic acid detection kit

How to use the nucleic acid detection kit: use a large throat swab to non-invasively collect samples from the respiratory tract, and then test for the nucleic acid (viral RNA) of the new coronavirus to determine whether the sample provider is infected with the new coronavirus.

Coronavirus testing kit infographics


The working principle of the nucleic acid detection kit is roughly as follows: by extracting RNA from patient samples, performing reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), amplifying the trace virus information in the sample through amplification reaction, and finally using fluorescence way to read the signal. 

If the signal is positive after PCR, then it can be said that the virus is present in the sample (already infected), otherwise it means that there is no infection.


The components of the nucleic acid detection kit: reaction solution, enzyme mixture, negative control substance and positive control substance. The positive control was a pseudovirus mixture containing ORF1ab and N genes.


Antibody Detection Kit

The method of using the antibody detection kit is to collect blood samples and detect whether the blood contains new coronavirus antibodies IgM and IgG, so as to determine whether the sample provider is infected with the new coronavirus. 

(After the human body is infected with the new coronavirus, the immune system will produce IgG and IgM antibodies against the new coronavirus).


The working principle of the antibody detection kit is roughly as follows: after the new coronavirus infects the human body, it stimulates plasma cells to produce specific antibodies. Using the principle of specific binding of antigens and antibodies, the existence of antibodies can be detected through antigens, thereby indirectly proving that the human body has been infected with the new type of antibody.

Coronavirus. The detected antibodies are mainly divided into two categories: IgM and IgG.

At present, there is a lack of systematic research on the generation and duration of these two types of antibodies to the new coronavirus. 

Under normal circumstances, IgM antibodies are produced early, and once infected, they are rapidly produced, maintained for a short time, and disappear quickly.

A positive test in blood can be used as an indicator of early infection. IgG antibodies are produced late, last for a long time, and disappear slowly, and positive detection in blood can be used as an indicator of infection and previous infection.


Components of the Antibody Detection Kit: Antibody Detection Reagent Card and Diluent. Among them, the antibody detection reagent card is to coat the novel coronavirus antigen on the nitrocellulose membrane, which is used to capture the novel coronavirus antibody (mainly IgG and IgM antibodies) in the sample.

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12 World-famous Christmas Cakes

When it comes to Christmas cake, the first thing that comes to mind is Stollen, but is it really only Stollen? NO! Every country in the world has unique cakes to welcome Christmas, let Xiaobian take you to see it. Some sites selling such cakes are,,, etc. at reasonable prices.

Christmas cake Ideas


Below are the 12 most popular cakes in the world:

No. 1 France: Wood Cake

In France, every Christmas, a cake like a tree trunk will appear in the cake shop - the wood cake. Why are Christmas cakes shaped like firewood? It is said to be a legend from Lithuania: if the firewood left over from the previous year is turned into ashes, the ashes can ward off evil spirits.

So, in the week before Christmas, the longest stick of wood will be burned, and it will be burned on Christmas day.

On Christmas Eve, the French will rush back to their hometown for reunion no matter where they are working. Just like the Chinese people keep the New Year's Eve, there is a custom of family reunion vigil.

When staying until midnight, the whole family usually gathers in front of the fireplace to eat wood cakes, accompanied by coffee or black tea. On the one hand, it drives away the cold, and on the other hand, it also connects the family members.


No. 2 Italy: Panettone

"Panetoni" was founded in Milan, an important fashion town in northern Italy. The Milanese call it "Panetun", which originally means "big bread".

When stirring, mix orange peel, lemon peel, raisins, cream, egg yolk, etc. into flour and water, and mix well.

In addition, add sour old noodles for long-term low-temperature fermentation, so that the fruit flavor and dough can be fully integrated, and the baked "Pan" Nidoni" is fruity and mouth-watering.


No. 3 Germany: Weihnachtsstollen / Stollen

Stollen, the most classic Christmas bread in Germany, looks like the scarf when Jesus was born.

People share Stollen to commemorate Jesus. Traditional stolon is generally made 2 weeks in advance, and the flavor of the bread changes over time.

Sugar and oil keep the bread's moisture and make the tissue moist and delicate.

The flavors of various dried fruits slowly seep into the fusion, and the longer the time, the stronger the flavor.

A long stolon can be eaten from Christmas to Easter (April), stored in the freezer, and can even be stored for up to a year.


No. 4 United Kingdom: Christmas

Christmas cake is the fruit cake eaten at Christmas in the UK, Ireland and many Commonwealth countries. Usually a pound cake with a lot of dried fruit is used as a base, and the surface is decorated with icing, cream, Christmas decorations, etc. The words "Merry Christmas" are often sprinkled with chocolate or jam on the top of the cake, and special Christmas candles are placed around it.

The candles are small and colorful, and are blown out by the host, and then everyone shares the cake. People sometimes put three beans in the cake to represent the three oriental sages in the biblical story.

Whoever eats the beans becomes the "three kings", which is very interesting.


No. 5 Scotland: Whisky Dundee

The Scots combined local specialities with English Christmas cakes to create the Whiskey Dunkin' Cake.

Compared with Christmas cakes, its organization is lighter and softer, not as heavy and solid as Christmas cakes; the surface decoration also uses dried fruits instead of cream, just like the Scottish people are simple, but they really love life.


No.6 Japan: Kurisumasu Keki

Cakes in Japan are always fine, replacing heavy-oil pound cakes with delicate, soft sponge cakes, topped with thick whipped cream and red strawberries, and topped with a lovable chocolate Santa Claus.

This cake must be eaten on Christmas Eve, before Christmas. Because kurisumasu keki not only means Christmas.

In Japanese slang, it also refers to an unmarried woman. Once she is 25 years old and not married, it is like a cake left after Christmas, and it is not "fresh".


No. 7 Sweden: Kringla

Inspired by German lye bread, Swedish Knots are made with almond flour and sliced ​​almonds. Unlike the Danish knot, this small cake in Sweden does not contain nuts and raisins. The biggest feature is that it puts a lot of butter.


No. 8 Greece: Christopsomo

The crisscross decoration on top of the loaf symbolizes the Christian cross, the most devout of all Christmas loaves.

When making this bread, the baker has to cross his chest with his hands and pray devoutly.

Dried fruits, nuts and spices are added to the bread for a rich aroma.




No. 9 Hungary: Bejgli

Like the French, the Hungarians also love cake rolls. Although there is no surface decoration, there is a delicious walnut and poppy seed filling.

If you don't have enough for Christmas, you can also eat it at Easter.



No. 10 Poland: Piernik

Unlike other European countries who eat nuts or fruit cakes, Poles eat gingerbread cookies topped with chocolate at Christmas.

This gingerbread can be traced back to the Middle Ages, and in the Torun Museum in Poland, there are still baking molds from the Middle Ages.


No. 11 Iceland: Vinetarta

Icelanders are the only ones who have the guts to eat cakes with lots of plum jam. Vinetarta, layered with cake and plum jam, is Iceland's most traditional cake for Christmas.


No. 12 Spain: Roscon De Reyes / King Cake

It's actually a Spanish King's Day cake, but it has a strong festive character, so we put it in a Christmas cake too.

As its name suggests, the king cake is usually made in the shape of a crown with a little Jesus doll inside, and whoever eats the doll is the king of the party, but the bad thing is that you also take it to February 2 to the church on the day.




There above cakes are famous in their countries and as regards cakes these countries are famous for their respective cakes. Foodie people can have a taste to each of them to taste these tasty dessert or bakery food.

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From brewing to biologics: Biocon’s Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw changes global health

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw started as a winemaker and now leads Biocon, India's largest innovative biopharmaceutical company. Ms. Mazumdar-Shaw talked about how to build a multi-billion-dollar global enterprise that is changing the role of global health care and intellectual property.



Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, India’s largest fully integrated innovative biopharmaceutical company Biocon

Can you tell us how you came up with Biocon?

I graduated from Ballarat Brewing School in Australia in 1975 and became a winemaker. 

My wish is to pursue a career in the brewing industry. However, I am unprepared for the hostility and gender prejudice faced by the Indian brewing industry. 

This rejection made me turn to entrepreneurship and accidentally established Biocon, a new biotechnology company in India, to use my fermentation knowledge to produce enzymes and biopharmaceuticals instead of beer.


Have you been smooth sailing since then?

No! As a 25-year-old woman with no business experience and limited financial resources, I face huge credibility and cognitive challenges. In those days, women were not regarded as good entrepreneurs, and biotechnology as an industry was unheard of.

 I dare to start a business in a male-dominated society and a field that no one knows. The prevailing business climate tends to be low-risk companies based on services and generic drugs, and they are reluctant to start innovative companies that are risk-ridden like biotechnology. 

The bank is unwilling to lend me financial support. As professionals worry that I cannot provide "job security", I work hard to recruit people. The supplier told me that they were unwilling to give me credit because they did not have confidence in my ability to operate. 

I successfully overcome these difficulties because I understand that all challenges can be overcome with perseverance and originality.


What prompted you to move into the biopharmaceutical field?

After my success with enzymes, I used my biotechnology knowledge to try to influence the health care industry by introducing affordable biopharmaceuticals to patients who need them most. These drugs, called biologics, are developed from living biological sources (such as tissues, cells, and proteins). 

In fact, from biosimilars to biological preparations, as from generics to patented chemically synthesized drugs. What motivated me to accomplish this task was the realization that a considerable part of the world’s population does not have access to essential medicines and cannot afford them when health care exists. 

From wanting to "green the world" through environmentally friendly enzyme technology, my mission became to "cure the world" by developing affordable, life-saving drugs for patients all over the world.


Today, Biocon is India's largest fully integrated innovative biopharmaceutical company. Our business footprint covers 120 countries. We invest 15% of the operating income of biopharmaceuticals into research and development. 

In terms of market share, our ability to manufacture high-quality, affordable biologics puts us among the top three global insulin biosimilars. As of March 31, 2017, we reported more than $600 million in revenue and are expected to cross the $1 billion revenue milestone by March 31, 2019.


What is the current focus of your biologics project?

We have a series of new biosimilar assets. Biocon is committed to developing affordable treatments for the unmet medical needs of chronic non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cancer and autoimmune diseases.


Biocon's campus in Bangalore. The company recently opened a manufacturing center in Johor, Malaysia.

Biocon is using the power of biotechnology to improve the access to affordable essential medicines for patients with chronic diseases.

What are the advantages of biological agents over traditional treatments?

The ability of biological agents to target, enhance or modulate specific proteins and antigens makes them more effective than small molecule therapies under various medical conditions. 

Biological therapies such as insulin, erythropoietin and growth hormone are of inestimable value in the treatment of diabetes, anemia and kidney disease. More complex biological agents such as monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), cytokines and therapeutic vaccines are changing the standard of treatment for cancer, autoimmune diseases and other chronic diseases. 

Currently, 10 of the top 15 drugs sold globally are biologics. By 2020, we expect new biological treatments for severe asthma, chronic eczema, allergic dermatitis and familial hypercholesterolemia will appear in developed markets. By 2022, biologics are expected to account for 50% of the value of the top 100 drugs sold globally.


Different from small-molecule drugs, new biologics and biosimilars are large in volume, more complex, targeted specifically, and have strict production procedures. The time, effort, and money required to analyze and characterize biological agents are four times higher than that of small molecule drugs. 

The manufacturing process starts with fermentation, followed by a multi-step purification process. In addition to determining bioavailability and bioequivalence, clinical development also includes large and long-term clinical trials and complex regulatory approval pathways. 

The cost of developing biosimilars is much higher than that of traditional chemically synthesized generics.


Can you talk about the role of innovation in Indian biotechnology?

The Indian biotechnology sector's ability to use recombinant DNA technology makes it possible to provide genetically engineered crops, biopharmaceuticals, vaccines and enzymes. Today, India is the world's largest vaccine producer and largest supplier of genetically modified cotton.


Biocon invests 15% of its annual revenue in research and development. It creates a collaborative atmosphere that allows creativity and collaborative research to flow freely, thereby encouraging innovation. 

The company recognizes innovators through a series of incentives, rewards and bonuses. 

But if India is to realize its aspiration to build a $100 billion bioeconomy by 2025, it needs to strengthen the coordination of resources, plans, policies, and priorities to create a self-sustaining virtuous circle of innovation and corporate growth.


As one of the earliest biologics companies in India, Biocon's innovation-led strategy has created a series of new biosimilar assets. Today, we have a comprehensive portfolio of 10 published and more undisclosed molecules including insulin and insulin analogs, monoclonal antibodies and recombinant proteins, which are involved in the treatment of diabetes, cancer and immunology.

We also use our new drug research capabilities to promote oral insulin and the world's only clinically validated anti-CD6 targeting molecule to treat psoriasis in the clinic. 

We are also exploring the breakthrough potential of immuno-oncology and developing harmless treatments for patients with malignant tumors. 

Our research in this field spans from many platforms and products of traditional peptides and monoclonal antibodies to therapies based on novel fusion monoclonal antibodies (MAb) and small interfering ribonucleic acid (siRNA).


Tell us more about some of your breakthrough innovations.

So far, Biocon has introduced two new biologics and six biosimilars from the laboratory to the market. They are affordable treatments for patients with chronic diseases.


Our highest honor is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) approval of Ogivri ™, the biosimilar trastuzumab that we co-developed with Mylan in 2017. We are the first Indian company to obtain a biosimilar approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration; it is also the first biosimilar trastuzumab approved in the United States. This brings us into the global alliance of biosimilar experts, which means that we can provide American patients with affordable alternative cancer therapies. 

We launched our branded biosimilars Trastuzumab and CANMAb ™ in India in 2014 and have since launched them in multiple emerging markets. Thousands of patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer are now benefiting from this important drug.


In 2017, we launched KRABEVA®, a biosimilar bevacizumab for the treatment of metastatic rectal cancer and other types of lung cancer, kidney cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer and brain cancer.


In 2016, we became the first Indian company to launch the biosimilar insulin glargine in Japan, which was launched in India in 2009. Recently, the European Medicines Agency's Committee for Medicines for Human Use (CHMP) recommended that the European Union approve it. 

In fact, we are the first company in the world to commercialize recombinant human insulin (rh-insulin), which was produced in 2004 through the use of Pichia yeast fermentation technology. We now provide a comprehensive portfolio of insulin products to millions of insulin-dependent patients with diabetes worldwide. 

Translating breakthrough laboratory discoveries into clinical success is a major challenge facing the global biopharmaceutical industry. Therefore, Biocon is strengthening its scientific research and development team and participating in strategic cooperation to further improve its effectiveness in this field.


At the forefront of new molecules, we are developing, producing and launching biologics in India. In 2006, Biocon became the first company in India to launch Nimotuzumab (BIOMAb EGFR®), a new type of biologic for patients with head and neck cancer. 

In 2013, we launched the pioneering anti-CD6 monoclonal antibody itolizumab (ALZUMAb™) for patients with psoriasis. Thousands of patients in India are benefiting from these affordable therapies.


What motivates Biocon to commit to affordable health care?

Biocon's innovative model makes payment ability a success criterion. By leveraging the power of affordable innovation, we view “best-selling drugs” as a way to expand access to one billion patients. Our business model focuses on the right to global healthcare, which is achieved by providing affordable biopharmaceuticals.


What role does intellectual property play in your business?

Intellectual property rights guide Biocon's R&D and commercialization strategy by protecting our inventions and innovations. This also helps build our credibility and allows us to benefit from first-mover advantage. Intellectual property also supports product positioning, life cycle management, and asset monetization and evaluation. 

Biocon continues to create wealth of knowledge through an aggressive intellectual property strategy, which recognizes the innovative potential of our products and processes.


What are the benefits of using WIPO's Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)?

Intellectual property plays a key role in bringing innovation to the market successfully and creating value. The PCT allows innovation-led companies like Biocon to seek patent protection in more than 150 countries through an international patent application. Therefore, this is a cost-effective option. And because the cost of submitting a national application was delayed by 18 months, this gave us more time to formulate a patent and commercialization strategy for the target market.


Why is it important for women to engage in science and technology?

My father, the late R.I Mazumdar, convinced me that as a woman, if I did not achieve more than men, I could achieve the same.


Science makes the world a better place. Knowledge has no gender. Increased participation of women in science and technology will ensure that research results are quickly translated into useful knowledge that can support human progress. This is an important part of the country's social and economic development.


Diversity and inclusion are corporate rules and are embedded in Biocon's core values. We believe that a diverse work environment will promote a culture of innovation and collaboration. For us, diversity is not only to promote gender balance, but more importantly, to appreciate different cultures, backgrounds, generations and ideas.


Female scientists bring diversity of thought, creativity and innovation. Scientific organizations realize this and open up more opportunities for women scientists. In fact, Biocon Academy helps close the gender skills gap in the biotechnology field by training many life science graduates (including girls) every year.

The development of biopharmaceuticals (biologics and biosimilars) is a complex process that requires strict production agreements. The clinical development of biological drugs is much more expensive than traditional chemical synthetic generic drugs. (Photo: provided by Biocon).

Women are increasingly becoming an integral part of the Indian scientific community. However, because gender discrimination still exists in society, relatively few women are promoted to leadership positions in science, technology, and business. 

Many people still believe that marriage and family must take precedence over occupation. This explains the gender gap in interdisciplinary research. Studies have shown that although many women study science in India, few are engaged in science or scientific research.


What is the secret of your success?

I never give up. My mantra is "Failure is temporary. Giving up is permanent." When the Indian pharmaceutical industry focused on the manufacture and supply of chemically synthesized generic drugs, my mantra helped me guide Biocon in the unknown field of innovation-led biotechnology research. 

I succeeded because I am committed to my dream of changing global health by providing affordable medicines, and also because I am shocked that a large part of the world’s population lacks access to affordable Opportunities for drugs.


What advice do you have for women?

If you want to succeed in this field, you need a pioneering spirit. Have the courage to strengthen your convictions and persist in overcoming disappointments and failures. Believe in your wishes and work with goals to achieve these goals.


What are the future plans?

I fully believe that the healthcare industry has a humanitarian responsibility to provide affordable essential medicines to patients in need through the power of innovation. My vision is that our diabetes and cancer care research program will change the treatment model. We are working hard to develop affordable, best-selling drugs with the "Made in India" label that will benefit one billion patients worldwide.



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