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 Ways to Improve Website Loading Speed

Methods to improve web page loading speed: 

1. Select a reliable server or virtual host

2. Enable gzip function to compress website source files

3. Reduce page size

 4. Reduce the use of flash or large images

5. Put js on the page Delay loading at the bottom

6. Use CDN to accelerate the website, etc.

We all know that if a website opens very slowly, it will lose a lot of users, because users have many choices, there is no need to spend time waiting for your website, resulting in a significant drop in website traffic.


Therefore, it is particularly important to improve the loading speed of web pages.


1. Choose a reliable server or virtual host to lay the foundation for improving speed


2. Turn on the gzip function to compress the source files of the website


3. Streamline web page source files to reduce web page size


4. Reduce the use of flash or large images


5. Non-essential js is placed at the bottom of the page for delayed loading


6. Use CDN to accelerate the website


7. js css file external call to reduce file size


8. Generate static files to improve loading speed


9. Use caching technology to improve loading speed


The above nine points are the means we often use to improve the loading speed of web pages. 

We should choose some of them appropriately and not hurt the user experience in order to improve the speed.


Showing web page loading speed

For example, it is obviously not advisable to replace the text with some image pictures. Therefore, seo is a matter that needs to be considered in all aspects. 

You can't pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelon.

 Refer also: How to do Best SEO of a Site


How to increase website speed?

In many cases, the website is considered to be written. If the code of the website is not written according to the rules. Then if the access of the website needs to be slower, then only the passed code is passed. way to write code.

Many of the websites used have not been processed. 

You can put all the content of CSS in a CSS file, and put all the pictures in one icon, and then get the required pictures by cutting the CSS, which reduces a lot of requests. .


How to increase website speed by compression?

In a lot of code is not compressed, now all the code is written in a standard way, without processing, through gzip compression, compress the code, or remove all the spaces in the code, convert the code to the code deal with.

Style code and script js location

In the website, the style needs to see the content at any time, so it needs to be loaded first, and the code needs to be placed in the top position, while the js script code needs not to be seen immediately, and can be placed in the bottom position of the html code. Both the sample table code and the script js code are required.


Can handle website CDN

The speed of the website can be accessed through the cache in the nearby server, which has been improved to avoid delays on the bandwidth, and can be processed by establishing the CDN processing of the website.

Remove unnecessary duplication of script code


When the website is developed by multiple people, then related code will be created, and it needs to be checked later to remove the code in the script that is repeated in the website.

Static and dynamic separation of websites

The ratio of static pages and dynamic servers in the server is different through the processing method. 

Generally, the static server in Asia will be relatively more than the dynamic server. 

Then you need the server in order to increase the traffic of the server.


The experience content is for reference only. If you need to solve specific problems (especially in the fields of law, medicine, etc.), it is recommended that you consult professionals in relevant fields in detail.

How SEO data is reflected in SEO? 

Friends who do SEO all know to have patience and perseverance. It’s just that we did not talk about why SEO needs patience and perseverance from a deeper data perspective. Now we will analyze it from a data perspective. Why use data to support the operation of SEO?


The following aspects explain the use of data in SEO:


I. Data to include: analyze and diagnose website optimization to avoid search engine spider traps

1. What are the indicators included?


2. Page Similarity


3. What are return status code of a webpage / website?

Common return codes:

200 - The server successfully returned the page

301 - Permanent redirect

302 - Temporary redirect

304 - Do not update the page

404 - The requested page does not exist

410 - Gone

503 – The server is temporarily unavailable


4. Channel Weight


II. Data improves traffic

Inclusion, ranking, content creativity and brand trust can ensure sufficient traffic

Traffic data:

Natural search traffic does not exist in isolation from the overall website traffic, and will be affected by on-site and off-site promotion.

Therefore, a question arises: (the more web pages are included) PK (the more website traffic)?

The above is the detailed content of how SEO data is reflected in SEO. 

What are some Easy Methods of increasing Website Speed?

There are still a lot of users of the virtual host, which is okay at the beginning, but with the increase of website pages and data in the later period, the website opening speed will be very slow. In this case, it is not necessary to change to a larger space or to another server. It may be more feasible to optimize the code of the webpage.

When making the homepage, how to improve the opening speed of the website? Here are a few tips, I hope to help you.


Help web slimming

When we browse the web, we do not browse directly from the virtual host, but download the web page to the local hard disk, and then view it through the browser. Therefore, the download speed of the webpage also directly affects the opening speed of the page.

The smaller the space occupied by a page, the faster the download speed will be. When we write code, we must strictly follow the specifications, the simpler the better, flash animations and pictures. Try not to use it.


Static HTML pages are more popular

Those who do website optimization prefer to use static HTML pages. The pages written by SP, PHP, JSP and other programs are dynamic.

The effect of the whole display is very good, and the interactivity is better than static pages, but this when a dynamic page is browsed.

It needs to be processed by the server first to generate an HTML page. The server resources consumed by this process will also affect the opening speed of the web page.

 If it is not necessary, do not use this dynamic page too much on the server, and try to use static HTML pages.


Don't put the content of the entire page in one table

Using table form to write web pages is a common method before. In order to align the pages uniformly, technicians often put the content of the entire page in a table, and then use td to divide each block, which will greatly increase the opening time of the website.

All the content in the table and so on can be displayed after all the contents are loaded. If the loading speed of one of the places is relatively slow, the entire page cannot be displayed normally.

 To solve this problem, some technicians put the content into several identical tables, but using div tags is a good solution for now.


Change ASP, ASPX, PHP and other file access to . js reference

This is mainly for the use of ASP, aspx, PHP and other programs.

If these dynamic data are directly nested into static pages, the program will be executed every time there is a visit, which is very time-consuming and server resources.

Dynamically generated to a . js file, and then referencing this file in the home page will be much better. Facts have proved that this can improve the loading speed of the web page.


Nest another page with iframe

This is mainly for the case of inserting advertisements on the page. Use a single page to put the code of the advertisement.

In the place where the advertisement needs to be inserted in the website, you can use the iframe to embed the page, so that you don't have to worry that the advertisement will affect the loading speed of the page.


Correct code to prevent website counters

The website counter can help the webmaster to count the website traffic and other data very well.

The code of this counter is placed in different places, and the effect is also very different.

If you put the code directly at the front of the page or put it in a div tag, when the counter fails and cannot be accessed, the div tag will cause a delay, and then the entire page will cause a greater delay.

If you put the counter code at the bottom of the page, you can effectively solve this problem.

Even if the counter is not accessible, the website speed will not be affected.


10 Effective Ways to Improve your Website Speed

Whether it is from the user experience of the website, or from the search engine crawling and obtaining a better ranking effect, the access speed of the website is very important to us. We can check the relevant terms and conditions of Google Panda and see that the speed of the website has been listed as one of the key factors for better indexing. Often times, the access speed of the website has little to do with the host, because the speed of the host is almost the same, and the main thing is the settings of our website itself. Below I will share 10 effective ways on how to increase the speed of your website.


1. The first method is to use the cache plugin. More and more webmasters are building websites that no longer write their own programs, but use a relatively complete ready-made CMS as the framework structure, such as using WORDPRESS. Some common CMS functions provided on the Internet are very perfect, but they need to be set up separately to be more perfect for our website and improve website speed.

This requires the use of cache plugins to achieve. For example, WP-Supercache, W3-TotalCache, these two plugins are cache plugins that we must install, which can effectively improve the speed of the website.


2. The second method is to use CDN acceleration. In the past year, CDN has been listened to more by our personal webmasters, and many friends are using it. The full name of CDN is Content Delivery Network, which is interpreted as Content Delivery Network.

The principle idea is to avoid bottlenecks and links that may affect the speed and stability of data transmission on the Internet as much as possible, so that content transmission is faster and more stable. That is, the website accelerator, which needs to be paid for, and the free one is not very stable.

3. The third method is to optimize the code and reduce the bloated structure. If we use a more popular CMS, there should be no bloated code structure, but it should be noted that there will be unreasonable structures when we make or choose website templates.

 We need to use a relatively concise program framework when writing templates or programs, which is conducive to user experience and is more conducive to the crawling and crawling of search engine spiders.


4. The fourth method is to delete related plugins. Some webmasters like to use a lot of plug-ins to achieve special effects when building their websites.

We must know that the purpose of our website is to make search engines more optimized and crawl more pages to obtain better ranking results.

 Rather than using how gorgeous the effect. Too many plug-ins will also affect the access speed of our website and the reading speed of the database. Plug-ins try to control within. Do not use plug-ins if you can do without plug-ins.

5. Reduce the number of social tag buttons. There are more and more WEB2.0 websites. In order to integrate our website into the 2.0 system, we will add more social website buttons to our website. But since these data are called remotely, it takes a long time to load, which slows down the access speed of our website.

It is recommendable that you don't join social bookmarking, and if you want to join, you should join those website platforms that load fast.


6. Refuse to load the additional comment system. Recently, we can also see many website platforms that provide third-party reviews. They can provide review services.

 It seems to be good to reduce the amount of data and spam on our website, but we can also see that the loading speed is much slower.

 If the speed of the other party is okay, there is no big problem. If the speed is slow, it will have a great impact. So, I suggest, don't join a third-party platform.


The seventh method, disable Gravatar avatars. Gravatar avatar loading is also a waste of resources.

We do not need to load Gravatar avatars. Although it looks better, it is not necessary. It may be that the traffic on the website is small, and the comments will not affect the effect. If there are many comments, it will obviously feel that the speed is very slow.


The eighth method, reduce the size and number of pictures. We try to reduce the size and size of the pictures when uploading pictures on the website. You can compress the pictures before uploading them. The pictures can be of appropriate size, not too large.

The pictures are only the embellishment of the website, not all pictures and texts. At the same time, we also try to avoid using a lot of video or audio content.


The ninth method is to enable GZip compression. The general host supports the GZip compression function. We need to make good use of the functions provided by the host.

Turning on compression can improve the access speed of the website. Generally, the host is provided for free, but many people do not turn it on.


The tenth method is to reduce the number of JavaScript script files and store them in one file as much as possible.

Try to call JS code externally, don't put it in the web page, and don't call external JS code remotely. For example Google recommends that you load analytics in the HEAD tag. You can also try combining javascripts and compressing them to load faster. 

Sometimes, we have too much CSS and JS code in the head, which causes the middle content to load too slowly. So try to minimize the code in the head.

How to improve the speed of website page opening?

Google believes that every website is fair, and to a large extent it is because of the location of the site, the network and other factors that lead to the opening speed of the webpage. So Google believes that the opening speed of the webpage will not be able to be opened to a large extent. affect your website's ranking in search engines. But what we need to understand is another aspect, that is, the website opening speed has a great relationship with the customer experience, so what we want to say here is that we must make our website opening speed reach a satisfactory state. So, what factors affect the speed of website page opening?

1. DNS resolution time DNS has an impact on the opening speed of website pages. Different DNS resolution speeds still have a certain impact on the opening speed of web pages.

2. I don’t need to say much about the content of the webpage, because everyone rarely chooses more flash and scripting languages ​​in the construction of the website. This is because the content of the webpage is too much, which seriously affects the opening speed of the webpage. . 

Many people will say that using DIV+CSS will have less content, in fact, if you have a lot of code, choosing DIV+CSS is also very verbose. So at this time, we have to choose to optimize the code.

3. There are a lot of pictures in the web page We know that picture websites are generally set to delay loading of pictures. This is because picture loading requires a lot of network speed. In many cases, we process pictures before putting them on the website. Or set the image to delay loading.

4. Quoting the content of other websites Quoting the content of other websites is similar to external links, such as: Youku Video, Xiami Musical, etc. 

If the Internet speed of the cited website is very slow, or no longer, then it will seriously affect you web page opening speed.

5. Server The configuration of the server is very different to a large extent. Many customers cannot open the website when they visit the website. This is largely because of the server.

6. Server software Because this website uses a virtual host, the blogger has not brushed VPS, so he does not know much about the installation software of VPS, but the amount of software on the server, the stability and the correct configuration of the software will affect the server environment. So the configuration software for installing the server is still the best choice.

7. Network The network not only refers to the client's network, but also includes the server's network, which is also the most important factor affecting the opening speed of the website.

 If your website is placed under a fast enough network, no matter what kind of website it is, it will have a very good customer experience and the opening speed is very fast. 

Of course, if your client's network is too slow, even if the server-side network is very good, your browser will not be able to see the web page, or it will be very slow. You said that it is impossible to open a website fast with a network speed like the one in the picture below.

4 Effective Ways to Improve Website Access Speed

Through the webmaster tool query, we can see that some websites that rent overseas servers, especially websites that use nearby servers, have no difference in opening speed with websites placed on domestic servers. How do websites on overseas servers, especially those on nearby servers, achieve fast website speeds? If the website access is very slow, it may be related to many factors, such as the bandwidth of your machine, the configuration of the machine, the exit bandwidth of the computer room, and so on. If you really feel slow when visiting, how can you improve the speed? The following will introduce a few knowledge points for you. After mastering these knowledge points, and then applying them to the website, you can change the page access speed of your website.


What are the ways to reduce the website access speed?

1. Reduce DNS query time

Webmasters should all know that the domain name and IP address of the network vps side correspond to each other. When a user sends a request on the client side, the computer needs to be judged by the mutual conversion of the domain name and IP address, and this conversion work is the domain name resolution DNS.

Generally, the query response takes 10-20 milliseconds, and the client browser will only wait for the end of the DNS query before loading the relevant content under this domain name. Therefore, if we want to speed up the access speed of the page, we can make improvements by reducing the DNS query time.


2. Minimize the number of HTTP requests as much as possible

When a user visits a website page so that the entire page content is displayed to the user, it has taken a lot of time to download various CSS styles, images, flash, etc. And each of these downloads will request an HTTP request. 

The more such requests, the longer it takes to load the entire website page, which means that the user's access on the client side will be slower. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the number of HTTP requests as much as possible at this time.

Generally, we can write CSS and JS directly into the page, which can also avoid external calls. In conclusion, the number of requests to HTTP can be reduced by reducing the number of external file calls.


3. Enable Gzip compression

For some large and medium-sized websites, because the website displays too much content, a single page can reach hundreds or even hundreds of KB, which will make the speed of visiting the website very slow. Therefore, at this time, the Gzip page compression function can be used, which can compress an article of about 100K to a quarter of the original file, which can reduce the amount of network transmission and improve the access speed. 

VPS basically has a compression function, and through this function, some JS, CSS and other files are compressed, and then the website is optimized from all aspects to improve the access speed.


4. Use CDN acceleration tools

At present, many websites will use CDN acceleration throughout, and it does not affect the optimization of the website itself. 

The basic acceleration principle is to back up the website image to many VPS nodes, which can improve the access speed of users around the VPS nodes. This acceleration function can be used to improve the user's fast access experience.


The above many methods are the different types of effective ways to improve website access speed as shared above. If you do it, you can at least speed up website access speed by more than 2 times. If you don't believe, try it.



Men who do Sex, Ejaculate more frequently have Lower Cancer Risk

Scientists at Harvard Medical School in the United States recently found that regular orgasm in men can greatly reduce the risk of cancer, and regular, regular sex can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 20%. This proves health and fitness benefits of the same. The researchers found that men between the ages of 40 and 49 who ejaculated more than 21 times a month had at least a 22 percent lower risk of prostate cancer.

The more often men ejaculate in their lifetime, the lower their chances of developing prostate cancer, a study finds


What Harvard Medical School research on regular orgasms and prostrate cancer reveals?

Scientists at Harvard Medical School in the United States recently found that men's regular orgasm (once a day) can greatly reduce the risk of cancer, and regular, regular sex can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 20%.

Infographics showing Sex and Cancer

Scientists at Harvard Medical School in the United States published a paper that if men can ejaculate regularly throughout their lives, they may also reduce the risk of disease.

 Relevant researchers said that they have not yet been able to explain why orgasm can reduce the risk of prostate cancer, and further research is needed. 

However, previous research has shown that regular orgasms can flush out potentially cancer-causing chemicals from the prostate.


Does flushing out of semen produce fresh cells and prevent tumors?

Another theory is that if semen could be flushed out regularly, while allowing new cells to be produced, it would help prevent the accumulation of aging cells that could turn into malignant tumors. 

The prostate is a small gland in a man's body, located between the man's penis and bladder. 

Its function is to produce a white, viscous fluid that mixes with sperm produced by the testes to form semen.


The Harvard Medical School study was based on a wealth of clinical data, and the researchers delved into the link between ejaculation frequency and the odds of developing prostate cancer. 

The researchers found that men between the ages of 40 and 49 who ejaculated more than 21 times a month had at least a 22 percent lower risk of prostate cancer. 

This figure was compared with men who ejaculate only 4 to 7 times a month.

Cancer micro-environment infographics

What do prostate cancer cells under the microscope reveal? 

Prostate cancer cells under the microscope: According to the World Cancer Research Fund, there were 1.1 million cases of prostate cancer worldwide in 2012, accounting for 8% of all new cancer cases and 15% of cancer cases in men.


However, the researchers also said they did not know why ejaculation reduced prostate cancer risk, but they called the results "special encouragement." They followed 32,000 healthy men for 18 years, of whom 3,839 were later diagnosed with prostate cancer.

 In 1991, researchers also specifically surveyed men in their 20s to 29s, 30s to 39s, and 40s to 49s to find out how many times they ejaculated each month. 

The researchers found that the more frequent ejaculation in all men's lifetimes was associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer, regardless of age. 

Later, the researchers added factors such as diet, lifestyle habits and family history of prostate cancer into the analysis, and still came up with similar results.


Dr. Jennifer Ryder of Harvard Medical School said, "This result is 'extraordinary encouragement', but how to interpret it remains to be studied." Dr. Ryder believes that more research is needed to analyze ejaculation in the prostate. 

Specific changes in the interior, leading to a clearer understanding of why ejaculation reduces the risk of prostate cancer. T

heir study was presented at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association in New Orleans.


What is the situation of prostrate cancer worldwide as per World Cancer Research Fund?

According to the World Cancer Research Fund, there were 1.1 million cases of prostate cancer worldwide in 2012, accounting for 8% of all new cancer cases and 15% of cancer cases in men. 

The pathogenesis of prostate cancer is not yet fully understood, but as men age, the risk of this cancer also increases.


What does research say on prostrate cancer regarding sex partner?

A research paper published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology says that to prevent the onset of prostate cancer, it is best to have a sexual partner. 

The article suggests that men who have had sex with multiple female partners may have only a one-third chance of developing the cancer. 

Researchers at the University of Montreal in Canada found that men with more than 20 female partners had a 28% lower risk of prostate cancer and a 19% lower risk of developing malignant tumors. Conversely, celibates double their cancer risk.



Physical Exercise or Body Workout

Definition of Exercise: Exercise is defined as a physical activity that utilizes planned, structured, and repetitive physical activity to improve the health of one or more body parts. Be strong and cultivate virtues such as bravery, resourcefulness, and safeguarding the collective good.

Meaning of Exercise: Exercise also means workout i.e. an activity Interpretation to improve work ability through production labor. Most people exercise in premises called gym. People form physical and mental fitness network or groups for proper information and sharing fitness images of themselves for proper motivation. It refers to forging or smelting source.


Table of Content


1. Health science terms

▪ Exercise time

▪ Winter and summer fitness

▪ Scientific fitness

2. Notes



‘Exercise’ Word Basic Information

Basic explanation: The original meaning of exercise is to strike and forge the sword, and it is extended to improve consciousness and work ability through productive labor, social struggle and work practice.


Q. Explain ‘Exercise’ in detail

Ans. Exercise refers to forging or smelting. It refers to strengthen the body through physical activity, and cultivate virtues such as bravery, alertness, and safeguarding the collective good.

This is brought through productive labor, social struggle and work practice, consciousness and work ability can be improved.

It also refers to movement or long workout.


Showing Physical Exercise by girl

What is smelting and forging?

1. Smelting and forging "Human iron and stone are natural, and those who are still forging chains will change their qualities.


If people have the nature of the five constants, the sages have not yet mastered the forging ears, so what is the bad nature of suffering?

If take the iron home and exercise it day and night. It took three whole years of spirit to forge two swords.


2. Smelting and forging refers to making the body strong through sports. As long as students are psychologically able to fully understand the purpose of sports, it is to exercise their own bodies, not to win competitions, but to make them do it properly.


Health Science Terminology

Which is the best Exercise Time?

The study found that high-intensity exercise can be carried out two hours after meals. Moderate exercise should be arranged one hour after meals.

Light exercise is most reasonable half an hour after meals. 

According to this, several optimal exercise time periods can be derived:

Morning time: Morning until before breakfast

Morning session: 2 hours after breakfast to before lunch

Afternoon session: 2 hours after lunch to before dinner

Evening hours: 2 hours after dinner to bedtime

There are pros and cons to exercise in each of the above periods.

For example, in the morning period, if the exercise intensity is not properly controlled, it is easy to cause hypoglycemia.

However, exercising in the morning and afternoon is influenced by objective factors such as work, work and housework.


Modern exercise physiology studies have shown that the highest and lowest points of human physical strength are controlled by the body's "biological clock", which generally peaks in the evening.

For example, the metabolic rate of the human body will reach its peak between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm, and the flexibility and flexibility of the body will also reach the best state.

The regulation of heart beat and blood pressure is most balanced between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm , and the body's sense of smell, touch, vision, etc. are also the most sensitive between 5:00 and 7:00 pm. Therefore, on the whole, the effect of exercise in the evening is better.

In addition, the activity of hormones in the human body is also in a good state between 4:00 and 7:00 in the afternoon, and the body's adaptability and nerve sensitivity are also the best. Therefore, experts advocate exercise in the evening, but in the evening, pay attention to the intensity of exercise, otherwise too high intensity will excite the sympathetic nerves and prevent falling asleep.


Which is the best time of day to exercise?

Afternoon: (14:00-16:00): It is a good time to strengthen physical strength, and the muscle endurance is 50% higher than other times.

Dusk: (17:00-19:00): Especially when the sun sets, the human body's exercise capacity reaches its peak, and the senses such as vision and hearing are more sensitive, and the heart rate and blood pressure also rise.


What time not to exercise?

After meals: At this time, more blood flows to the stomach to help food digestion and absorption. At this time, exercise will hinder the digestion of food, which will lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal system and affect the health of the body for a long time. Therefore, it is best to sit or lie down for 30 to 45 minutes after meals and exercise.

After drinking: Alcohol is absorbed into the blood and enters the brain, heart, liver and other organs. 

Exercise at this time will increase the burden on these organs. Compared with exercise after meals, exercise after drinking has a greater negative impact on the human body.


Health reminder: Outdoor fitness is not the sooner the better

In the cold winter, many people choose to exercise in the morning to enhance their immunity.

Is outdoor fitness the sooner the better? 

Relevant health experts suggest that outdoor fitness in winter is suitable for after sunrise.

It is understood that the ground temperature before sunrise in winter is lower, and the content of pollutants such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide released in the early morning air is higher.

Working out children

In addition, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, lead and other harmful pollutants in the exhaust gas of automobiles also gather on the ground. If people get up early to exercise, they will inhale a lot of smoke and toxic gases.

Exercising in this environment for a long time may cause fatigue, dizziness, pharyngitis and other diseases, endangering your health.


Winter Fitness and Summer Fitness

Winter fitness should be around 10 o'clock. At this time, the sun comes out and basks on the ground, so that the atmosphere begins to convect up and down, and the polluted air spreads to the high altitude, which will reduce the damage to the human body.

In addition, the morning temperature in winter is low, and it will not slowly ease until half an hour after the sun comes out

In the first month or two of winter and spring, you should avoid the peak of air pollution at six or seven in the morning.

In summer and autumn, the sun comes out early, and you can exercise at five or six o'clock.

In normal times, you can choose between 10 am and 3 or 4 pm to do recess exercises or other sports. At this time, the air is cleaner, which is more beneficial to health.

It's best not to exercise outdoors on a foggy morning. Due to air pollution, fog contains many substances that are harmful to human body.

When people do strenuous activities such as long-distance running in the fog, some sensitive parts of the body are exposed to these harmful substances and inhaled in large quantities, which may cause bronchitis, laryngitis, conjunctivitis and allergic diseases.

So on a foggy morning, we can change our morning exercise indoors instead of going outdoors.


What is scientific fitness?

Some people are accustomed to exercising on an empty stomach in the morning, and some people advocate physical exercise after dinner.

When is the best time to exercise? 

We think it is appropriate to start exercising half an hour or an hour after breakfast or dinner.

Exercise poses of human body

Exercising before meals may cause blood sugar fluctuations. It may be hypoglycemic due to delayed meals, or it may be hyperglycemic due to no medication.

Of course, it may be that blood sugar is first low and then high due to the Su Mujie reaction, so it is best to Put exercise time after meals.

In order to avoid the impact on the function of the digestive system, it is best to do physical exercise more than half an hour after the end of the meal.

Physical exercise after dinner is worth advocating, because most people eat more dinner, and most people just read newspapers or TV programs after dinner, and have little physical activity, which is very unfavorable for lowering blood sugar and losing weight.

The first is to avoid exercise for a period of time after meals. 

This is because after-dinner games.

Stimulate the stomach: Exercising after a full meal will bring mechanical stimulation to the stomach, causing the dissolved substances in the stomach to vibrate left and right, up and down, which may cause symptoms such as vomiting and stomach cramps.

Disordered blood flow distribution: Digestive organs need a large amount of blood to digest and absorb after eating a full meal. 

When the muscles of the whole body are exercising, they also need a large amount of blood to participate, so the blood volume of the digestive organs will be deprived, resulting in digestive and absorption dysfunction. 

This disorder not only affect the effect of exercise and harm the body.

Affect the effect of exercise: The parasympathetic nerves in the body are easily inhibited after eating. At this time, if the body wants to exercise, the exercise effect will be reduced.

The increase in insulin secretion after a meal will inhibit the use of blood sugar in the muscles and brain for energy, which is not conducive to exercise.  



6 worst exercise habits

Simply going to the gym does not guarantee you a good workout. Reading a magazine while running, skipping breakfast and going to an aerobics class is something that a lot of people do on a regular basis, and it doesn't work as well as you might think.

Here are the six worst physical exercise habits personal trainers can see every day, along with the best ways to keep you from wasting time at the gym.

Gym Fitness and running infographics

Exercising while reading If you're concentrating on reading a fashion magazine, that means you can't pay attention to the sport you're doing at the same time. Reading while exercising is the worst thing to do, says Amy Hough, a fitness consultant at New York Sports Club. "If you're going to exercise, you have to focus on your body," she said. 

If you need to do something else at the same time to make your workout less boring, Hough suggests watching TV with headphones on, which doesn't require as much concentration as reading.

Exercising until you sweat Exercising until you sweat may make you feel like you're getting a fuller workout, but it's actually only costing you a few pounds of water.

In addition to being unhealthy, it has no effect whatsoever. "One of the things that has puzzled me for 30 or 40 years is that people are still trying to lose weight by sweating a lot," said Marc Ochipinti, president of the American Federation of Fitness Professionals. That would reduce the weight, but what they're doing is actually dehydrating themselves."

Excessive sweating can also lead to cramps and other sports injuries. When exercising, make sure you have a bottle of water on hand so you can rehydrate at any time.

Simply riding a stationary bike or running on a treadmill will not provide strength training. 

"You can burn 100 calories by walking a mile; but in the same 20 minutes, you can burn 300 to 400 calories with weight-bearing exercise on equipment," says Ochbinti.

Strength training can also help you strengthen the muscle groups you need for everyday life, such as climbing stairs or lifting heavy objects, and helps you maintain muscle shape and delay muscle relaxation that comes with age.


Bypassing Weightlifting Women are often afraid that lifting weights will make them look like bodybuilders.

Actually don't be afraid. It is a common misconception that weightlifting or strength training will cause women to develop large muscles.

"It's not going to happen unless you're on growth hormone at the same time," Ochipinti said. "Doing weightlifting doesn't make you a scary monster."

Exercise on an empty stomach Exercising on an empty stomach is like driving a tank without oil. Your body needs energy to function.

Some healthy snacks, like oatmeal or bananas, can be digested during the drive to the gym and provide the extra energy you need for the rest of your workout.

This is especially important when exercising in the morning, because after a night, your stomach is empty and your calories are exhausted.

You need to give it some fuel to get it to restart.


Going to the gym and pretending to know everything won't do you any good. One of the worst habits for gym newbies is to walk around the gym trying to do what everyone around them is doing.

There are usually some trainers in the gym. Ochipinti recommends making good use of these coaches. "If you're really in doubt about the right form of exercise, don't hesitate to ask them," she says.

"You have to know how to avoid sports injuries." Likewise, when you're new to a fitness class, any Let your teacher know about discomfort or concerns, and your body will benefit from it.


What are some exercise precautions for the elderly?

To choose a suitable exercise program: It is best for the elderly to do a more comprehensive physical examination before exercising, and then choose an appropriate exercise program according to their physical conditions.

At the same time, the results of the physical examination can be used as objective indicators before exercise, which is convenient to compare with the situation after exercise to judge the effect of exercise.

If your health has always been good, you can also check it yourself, such as squatting 10-20 times in a row, or running in place for 15 seconds to see if there are symptoms such as palpitations, shortness of breath, chest tightness and discomfort, and if not, you can start exercising.

Exercises for the elderly must be selected according to their health conditions, conditions, and hobbies.

Fitness and health conditions

Generally speaking, it is advisable to choose sports that can get better exercise for each joint and each part of the muscles, such as jogging, brisk walking, swimming, Tai Chi, Power Yoga, etc. However, a competitive sport or Exercise equipment can also be used.


Exercise should be done step by step: as the saying goes, "Frozen three feet is not a day's cold", "one bite can't make you fat". Participating in sports and exercise must not be rushed, but should be carried out with purpose, plan, and steps, and accumulated over time, so as to obtain satisfactory exercise results.

At the same time, the amount of exercise should be small when you start exercising, and then gradually increase after you get used to it.

After a period of exercise, if you feel feverish and slightly sweaty during exercise, and feel relaxed and comfortable after exercise, your appetite and sleep are all good, indicating that the amount of exercise is appropriate and the effect is good, you should stick to it.

Exercise moves from easy to difficult, from simple to complex, from slow to fast, and the time should gradually increase.

Every time you exercise, you should pay attention to moving from static to dynamic, from dynamic to static, and combining dynamic and static.

In addition, it is necessary to master the essentials, skills and exercise methods of the movements.

Exercise must be persistent: in order to achieve good results through physical exercise, you must persevere, and never "fishing for three days and drying the net for two days". It is best to keep exercising every day, about half an hour each time.

When it is really difficult, exercise should not be less than 3 times a week. At the same time, it is necessary to arrange the time reasonably, develop the good habit of exercising on time, and pay attention to the proper amount of exercise.

Exercise according to exercise prescription: because exercise prescription can make us exercise with purpose, plan and science.

In the case where an exercise prescription cannot be issued, a physical examination and an exercise load test must be strictly carried out before physical exercise.

The amount of exercise should be small at the beginning, and gradually increase until the effective intensity and effective time.

Strengthen medical supervision during exercise: The purpose of strengthening medical supervision is to be safe and prevent excessive fatigue or accidental injury. For example, jogging should not be too fast.

On the one hand, it is easy to cause ankle sprains, and people with high blood pressure are prone to accidents, and may also cause angina pectoris due to hypoxia. 

During the run, you can run and walk alternately, breathe naturally, move slowly and rhythmically, and avoid holding your breath or excessive force. In particular, the elderly with arteriosclerosis should avoid actions that cause a sudden increase in blood pressure, such as handstands, sudden bowing, and bending over.

Always know your pulse, blood pressure and physical health, and do a good job of self-monitoring.

After exercising, if you have a relaxed mind, happy spirit, mild fatigue, good appetite and sleep, stable pulse, and normal blood pressure, it means that the amount of exercise is appropriate and the physical condition is good, and you can continue to exercise.

Showing workout with fitness equipment

If you have headache, chest tightness, heartbeat discomfort, loss of appetite, poor sleep, and obvious fatigue and tiredness after exercise, it means that the amount of exercise is too much and should be adjusted or temporarily stopped for a period of time.

When exercising, the elderly can use the pulse immediately after exercise and recovery time to control the amount of exercise.

Generally, 170 is used to subtract age. This formula is the pulse standard immediately after exercise, and generally should not exceed 110 beats/min. It is advisable to return to the pre-exercise pulse level within 5 to 10 minutes after exercise.

The elderly should follow a normal life system during physical exercise: pay attention to the amount of nutrients and eat more foods that are easy to digest, high in protein, high in vitamins, and low in fat.

To quit smoking, because smoking can induce angina, and can increase the incidence of lung cancer. Drinking less or abstaining from alcohol can protect the liver.


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