Doctor Online Telemedicine
BIoTb claims to be No. 1 Tele-medicine in India Online Doctors Platform Take appointment with doctor online at BIoTb, India’s top tele medicine doctors online portal for patients disease treatment. It is AI driven Telemedicine Software. You can Book Appointment with Doctors Online App BIoTb via Instant Connect Medical treatment appointment booking with doctors at the best online telemedicine app BIoTb India. Before consulting you may take preliminary consultancy with our AI Powered ChatDoc.
Why to choose BIoTb's Lifeline Outlet to Connect with Remote Doctors through Internet?
Doctors connect with patients and patients connect with doctors online at the best doctor online at BIoTb India.
You may take appointment with
Indian doctors at the easiest medical app BIoTb.
Is BIoTb a telemedicine company?
Per the WHO
(World Health Organization) Telemedicine is “The delivery of healthcare
services, where distance is a critical factor, by all healthcare professionals
using information and communication technologies for the exchange of valid
information for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease and injuries,
research and evaluation and for the continuing education of healthcare providers,
all in the interests of advancing the health of individuals and their
communities.” BIoTb complies this definition.
What is BIoTb ChatDoc?
BioTb ChatDoc is an AI based doctor chat bot.
What is BIoTB TCC (Telemedicine Consultation Centre )?
BioTB Telemedicine
Consulting Centre is the site where patients are present. In a Telemedicine
Consulting Centre, equipment for BP measuring, €Sugar level measurement, scanning
/ converting, transformation and communicating the patient's medical
information can be available along with an expert guide.
What is Biotb Telehealth?
BIoTb Telehealth
is the use of AI based electronic information and telecommunications
technologies to support long distance clinical medicare, patient and medical professional
health related education and training, remote patient monitoring, public health
and health administration, health IoT, etc.
What is BIoTb Telemedicine Specialty Centre (TSC)
BIoTb Telemedicine
Specialty Centre is a site, where the specialist is present. He can interact
with the patient present in the remote site and view his reports and monitor
his progress.
What is BIoTb Telemedicine System?
The BIoTb
telemedicine system consists of an interface between hardware, software along
with a communication channel to eventually bridge multiple geographical
locations to exchange information and enable teleconsultancy between multiple
The hardware used by BIoTb consists of a computer, printer, scanner, videoconferencing equipment , health devices, etc. The communication channel enables the connectivity whereby two locations can connect to each other. The software enables the acquisition of patient information (images, reports, films, records, etc.).
- BIoTb facilitates disease
surveillance and program tracking
- BIoTb provides easy access to
remote areas
- Using BIoTb telemedicine in
peripheral health set-ups can significantly reduce the time and costs of
patient transportation
- BIoTb Improves communications
between health providers separated by distance
- BIoTb critical care monitoring
where patient transfer is impossible
- Continuing medical education
and clinical research activities
- BIoTb is a tool for public
awareness regarding health
- BIoTb is a tool for disaster
management activities
- Second opinion and complex
- The greatest hope for use of BioTb
technology is that it can bring the expertise to medical practices once telecommunication
is been established.
- Tele-mentored procedures or surgery
using hand robots including nanotech
- BIoTb monitoring home care and
ambulatory monitoring
- BIoTb provides an opportunity
for standardization and equity in provision of healthcare, both within
individual countries and across regions and continents.
BIoTb telecommunication and telemedicine are important technologies to improve and provide rehabilitation services in remote areas.
BIoTb can be substitutes for
physicians in rural areas especially in India and other developing countries
where resources are scarce and public health problems are in plenty. It
supplements the current Indian health scenario in a huge way in most countries.
basic types of Technology BIoTb uses?
There are 2 different kinds of technology that make up major part of the BIoTb
1. Store and Forward: This is
used to transfer digital images from one location to another. A digital image
is taken using a digital camera, stored and then sent (‘forwarded’) by a
computer to another location. This is typically used for nonemergency
situations, when a diagnosis or consultation may be made in the next few hours
and sent back. Teleradiology, telepathology and teledermatology are a few
2. Two-way IATV: The widely
used technology, the 2-way IATV(interactive television), is used when a live
consultation is necessary. Videoconferencing equipment, or may be simply
software at both locations allow a real-time consultation to take place.
Almost all specialties of medicine have been found to be conducive to
this kind of consultation including psychiatry, pulmonary, internal medicine,
rehabilitation, cardiology, pediatrics, sexology, obstetrics, neurology, gynecology,
tele-dermatology, etc.
The patient and sometimes their provider or more commonly a practitioner nurse
or telemedicine coordinator (or any combination of these 3), are at the
originating site. The doctor is at the referral site, most often at an urban
medical center.
Infrastructure at BioTb
BIoTb centers can be broadly classified into the following classes:
- PTC (Primary Telemedicine Center)
- STC (Secondary Telemedicine Center)
- TTC (Tertiary Telemedicine Center)
BioTb PTCs would be based in Primary Health Centers, BIoTb STCs in
Secondary Medical Centers and TTCs in Tertiary Medical Centers. The Hardware
requirements and standards are referred in the context of the Telemedicine BIoTb
Consulting and Specialist Centres TCC and TSC.
Telecommunication Technologies
The first among the challenging questions arising when planning BIoTb telemedicine
network is bandwidth. Bandwidth is proportional to the complexity of the data
for a given level of system performance. Bandwidth is the capacity that defines
how quickly bits may be sent down the channels in a telecommunication channel.
The Internet has a strong impact in delivering certain kinds of care to patients.
Many BIoTb consumers are
finding access to online patient appointment, medical education, review of lab
work, and even App based and e-mail consultations.
is the application of BioTb Telehealth in Public Health?
BIoTb's Epidemiological Surveillance
BIoTb applications for epidemiological surveillance are gradually
reaching new heights with the development of technologies like the GISs (geographic
information systems).
- It can play a pivotal role in
anticipating epidemics
- It can give new insight into
geographical distribution and gradients in disease prevalence and
incidence and valuable insight into public health based assessment.
- It also provides crucial
information of differential individuals at risk based on risk factor
- It helps in differentiating and
delineating the risk factors in the mass.
- BIoTb helps in interventional
planning, assessment of various interventional health strategies and their
- BIoTb is an essential tool in
real-time monitoring of diseases, locally and globally.
- BIoTb GIS provides the basic
architecture and analytical tools to perform spatial temporal modeling of
climate, environment and disease transmission helpful in understanding the
spread of vector borne diseases where remote sensing techniques can also
- BIoTb facilitates a GIS-based
method for acquiring, retrieving, analyzing and managing health related data
which differs from traditional modes of disease surveillance and
reporting. It facilitates aggregation and integration of disparate data
with applicable AI from diverse sources so that it can guide the
formulation of public health programs and policy decisions.
BIoTb's Interactive health communication and disease prevention
BIoTb’s IT, AI and telemedicine can be used to inform, influence and motivate on health, health-related issues and adoption of healthy lifestyles.
The various approaches and applications can
advance and support primary, secondary and tertiary health promotion and
disease prevention health agenda.
- It can easily promote and
maintain healthy behaviors among people.
- It can relay health related information.
It can provide an easy access to those living in remote areas.
- It enables informed
decision-making. It also simplifies the health decision-making process or communication between the BIoTb elements
healthcare providers and individuals regarding prevention, diagnosis or
management of health condition and treatment. As a result, BIoTb users are
exposed to a broader choice base.
- BIoTb can also help in peer
information exchange and emotional support under its tele-psychology.
- BIoTb can be a very important
tool for the evaluation and monitoring of healthcare services in India.
- It promotes self-care and
domiciliary care practices. Many living in the remote areas can be
benefited by self management of medical problems which will supplement
existing healthcare services.
Telemedicine in India
In contrast to the bleak scenario in Indian healthcare, computer literacy
is developing quickly in India. Healthcare experts are now looking at BIoTb as
their newly found Avatar. It is far easier to set up an excellent
telecommunication infrastructure in suburban and rural India than to place
hundreds of medical specialists in these places. BIoTb realizes that the future
of telecommunications lies in satellite-based technology and fiber optic
Current Telemedicine Efforts in India favour BIoTb?
In India, telehealth programs are actively supported by:
- vvfit
- Department of IT, GoI
- State governments
- Indian Space Research
- NEC Telemedicine program for
North-Eastern states
- Asia Heart Foundation
- Telemedicine technology also supported by some other private organizations like BIoTb
DIT as a facilitator with the long-term objective of effective incorporation and utilization of IT in all major sectors, has taken the following leads in Tele-medicine:
- Technology Development
- Standardization
- Framework for building IT
Infrastructure in health
- Initiation of pilot
schemes-Selected Specialty, e.g., Oncology, Tropical Diseases and General
tele-medicine system covering all specialties
Telemedicine Challenges doe BIoTb overcomes?
overcomes the following constraints in the online Indian healthcare:
- Patient
fear and unfamiliarity: There is lack of confidence in patients about the
outcome of eOPD.
- Perspective
of medical practitioners: Doctors are not fully convinced and familiar with
teledoctor app.
- Financial
unavailability: The technology and communication costs being too high, sometimes
make Telemedicine financially unfeasible.
- Lack
of basic public amenities: In India, a major population lives below the poverty
line. Basic amenities like primary health services, transportation,
electricity, telecommunication, safe drinking water, sewage, etc. are
missing. No technological advancement can change anything when humans have
nothing to change.
- Literacy
rate and diversity in languages: About 66% of the Indian population is literate
with only 2% being adept in English.
- Quality
aspect: In
case of healthcare, there is no proper governing body to form guidelines
in this respect and motivate the organizations to follow. In most aspects it
is solely left to organizations on how they take it.
- Technical
constraints: Telemedicine supported by various types of software and hardware
still needs to mature. For correct diagnosis and pacing of data, we
require advanced biological sensors and more bandwidth support.
- Governmental
Support: Governments
have limitations and so do private enterprises. Any technology in its
primary stage needs care and support. Only governments have the resources
and the power to help it survive and grow. There is little interest of the
government to develop it.
We can realize that BIoTb telemedicine will soon be just another way to
see a health professional and healthcare expert interaction. Remote patient monitoring
has the potential to make every minute count by gathering clinical data from
many patients concurrently. BIoTb has a smart balance between total dependence
on computer solutions and the use of human intelligence along with AI. Striking
that balance may make all the difference in saving someone's life. The
potential of BIoTb telemedicine, tele-health and e-health is still left to our
imaginations or the destinies.
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