How CIA and DIA use Psychics?
Psychics use by The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency)
Psychics with ESP (Extrasensory Perception) include clairvoyants, prophets, telepaths, palmists, numerologists, graphologists and metaphysicians. The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) decided they should investigate and know as much about it as possible. Various programs were approved yearly and iteratively funded accordingly. Semi-annual reviews were made at the Senate and House select committee level. Reviewing work results took place, and remote viewing was attempted with the results kept secret from the 'viewer'. It was thought that if the viewer was shown they were incorrect it would damage confidence and skills of the viewer. This was SOP- Standard Operating Procedure throughout the years of military and domestic remote viewing programs. It was kept classified and secret.
Remote viewing attempts to sense unknown information about places or incidents. Normally it is performed to detect current events, but during military and domestic intelligence applications, viewers claimed to sense things in the future, experiencing precognition.
In the 1970s United States intelligence sources believed that the Soviet Union was spending about 60 million roubles annually on "psychotronic" research. In response to claims that the Soviet program had produced results, the CIA initiated funding for a new program known as SCANATE (scan by coordinate). Remote viewing research began in 1972 at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, California. Proponents ( i.e. Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff) of the research said that a minimum accuracy rate of 65% required by the clients was often exceeded in the later experiments.
Remote viewing research began in 1972 at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI)
International celebrity, Israeli Uri Geller could bend spoons and see inside opaque vessels with mind power.
Lost Soviet spy planelocated in 1976 by Rosemary Smith
In January 2017, the CIA published records online of the Stargate Project as part of the CREST archive.
Britain and CIA has a long tradition of not only experimenting with psychics, but actually using them for military purposes. After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the British government removed a manual on psychic abilities from the website of one of America's top psi spies.
Physicists Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff began testing psychics for SRI in 1972, including one who would later become an international celebrity, Israeli Uri Geller. Their apparently successful results garnered interest within the U.S. Department of Defense.
One of the project's successes was the location of a lost Soviet spy plane in 1976 by Rosemary Smith, a young administrative assistant recruited by project director Dale Graff.
In 1977 the (ACSI) Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (SED) Systems Exploitation Detachment started the Gondola Wish program to evaluate potential adversary applications of remote viewing. Army Intelligence then formalized this in1978 as an operational program Grill Flame , based in buildings 2560 and 2561 at Fort Meade, in Maryland (INSCOM "Detachment G")
In 1995 the project was transferred to the CIA and a retrospective evaluation of the results was done. A report by Utts claimed the results were evidence of psychic functioning.
Other evaluators, two psychologists from AIR, assessed the potential intelligence-gathering usefulness of remote viewing. They concluded that the alleged psychic technique was of dubious value and lacked the concreteness and reliability necessary for it to be used as a basis for making decisions or taking action.
The final report found "reason to suspect" that in "some well publicised cases of dramatic hits" the remote viewers might have had "substantially more background information" than might otherwise be apparent.
David Marks in his book The Psychology of the Psychic (2000) discussed the flaws in the Stargate Project. Marks noted that the judge Edwin May was also the principal investigator for the project and this was problematic, making a huge conflict of interest with collusion, cuing and fraud being possible. Marks concluded the project was nothing more than a "subjective delusion" and after two decades of research it had failed to provide any scientific evidence for the legitimacy of remote viewing.
In January 2017, the CIA published records online of the Stargate Project as part of the CREST archive.
The term "remote viewing" emerged as shorthand to describe this more structured approach to clairvoyance. The Stargate Project created a set of protocols designed to make the research of clairvoyance and out-of-body experiences more scientific, and to minimize as much as possible session noise and inaccuracy.
Project Stargate would only receive a mission after all other intelligence attempts, methods, or approaches had already been exhausted.
Puthoff worked as the principal investigator of the project. His team of psychics is said to have identified spies, located Soviet weapons and technologies, such as a nuclear submarine in 1979 and helped find lost SCUD missiles in the first Gulf War and plutonium in North Korea in 1994.
Edwin C. May joined the Stargate Project in 1975 as a consultant and was working full-time in 1976. The original project was part of the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory managed by May.
With more funding in 1991 May took the project to the Palo Alto offices at SAIC. This would last until 1995 when the CIA closed the project.
The experiment of the American Society for Psychical Research OOBE-Beacon "RV" was tested in "Phase One", which said that they invented the word "observation" as a release of the law of Rene Warcollier, which was the first of the French century of 20 developed. engineering, listed in Mind to Mind, Classics in Consciousness Series Books by (ISBN 978-1571743114).
Swann's achievement departs from the usual form of normal testing and exhaustion of candidates, and creates a workable system that integrates information into a system called "Coordinate Remote Viewing" ( CRV).
Pat Price
The former Burbank, California police officer and former scientist was involved in several space exploration experiments during the Cold War, including the US government-sponsored Project SCANATE and Project Stargate. Price joined the program after meeting fellow scientists (at the time) Harold Puthoff and Ingo Swann near SRI. Working with maps and photographs provided to him by the CIA, Price claims he has been able to retrieve information from facilities behind Soviet lines. He is probably best known for his drawings of cranes and gantries that appear consistent with CIA intelligence photographs. At the time, the CIA took what he was saying very seriously.
Home Research Support Center at Fort Meade, Maryland, Maj. General Stubblebine is convinced that there are different realities of different types of spirits. He wanted all his commanders to learn how to bend spoons à la Uri Geller, and he himself tried many stunts, even trying to walk through walls. In the early 1980s, he was in charge of the United States Army's Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), which at this time started surveillance operations in the United States Army.
Some commentators have confused the "Jedi Project", in which special forces are based out of Fort Bragg and the Stargate. After controversy surrounding these experiments, including allegations of security breaches by unauthorized civilians working in the Intelligence Compartment Information Facilities (SCIF), Major General Stubblebine retired. His successor as commander of INSCOM was Major General Harry Soyster, who was known as an optimist and intelligence officer.
MG Soyster did not want to continue paranormal experiments, and military participation in Project Stargate ended during his tenure.
David Morehouse
In his book, Psychic Warrior: Inside the CIA's Stargate Program: A True Story of the Suffering and Writing of a Warrior (2000, St. Martin's Press, ISBN 978-1902636207), Morehouse claims to have worked on hundreds of projects. Observation, from searching for a Soviet plane that crashed in the forest carrying an atomic bomb, to identifying the two suspected operators.
McMoneagle says he has vivid memories of childhood events. He grew up with alcoholism, abuse and poverty. As a child, he experienced night visions when he was frightened, and began to develop his psychic abilities as a teenager for his own protection during his actions. He signed up to run away. McMoneagle became a remote model while serving in US military intelligence.
Ed Dames
Dames was one of the first five martial students trained by Ingo Swann from the 3rd level in the Observing Academy. Instead of a remote observer, Dames received no further training in visual acuity. When he was assigned to the Remote Monitoring Unit in late January 1986, he was used to direct observers (as a monitor) and provide training and practice to observation staff. He quickly gained a reputation for taking CRV to the extreme, with sessions focusing on Atlantis, Mars, UFOs and extraterrestrials. He is a frequent guest on the Coast to Coast AM radio show.
Designing a CIA "psychic" in the 1980s
A few weeks after the attacks of September 11, the British government of Tony Blair devised a secret plan. If successful, it will completely change the fight against al-Qaeda. As the public focused on Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) began a series of dramatic experiments to determine whether psychic abilities really existed.
Can he use clairvoyance to find Osama bin Laden? Britain is not alone in this crazy journey. The CIA has a long tradition of not only experimenting with psychics, but actually using them for military purposes. After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the British government removed a manual on psychic abilities from the website of one of America's top psi spies.
Soon, the Department of Defense began to try to find famous experts on the Internet, believing, according to the documents, that those with "experience" could be "more effective". But when most of them refused (perhaps fearing that their prejudices would be exposed), they started joining the "newbie" group instead.
In mid-November 2001, the group of young psychics were taken to a private rented house with "minimum environmental distractions", where experiments began.
The technique used by the MoD and the CIA is called "surveillance", defined as "acquiring and interpreting, through logic, information that is withheld from common sense". The interviewers had to guess what it was and reproduce it on a blank sheet of paper.
Officially, the purpose of these experiments has not been confirmed. But when the details were first reported in 2007, experts had no doubt that it was 9/11 related, especially because of the timeline of the project. "You don't spend that kind of time and effort finding money on the couch," said Nick Pope, who heads the MoD's UFO investigation. "We need to talk about bin Laden and weapons of mass destruction."
The problem is that the human brain likes to see patterns, even where they exist. It is hard for us to understand that some things are just coincidence. It is this quality that makes the rumor of Satan "behind the back" and fear, or the declaration of God's prophecy in "Biblical code."
Cold War Ghosts
The MoD test in 2001 appears to be the only serious test of the British military. But America and Russia have been facing each other in the "ESP race".
The role of psychics in the modern military can be traced back to a French report in the 1960s, which said that the US Navy managed to communicate with nuclear submarines telepathically.
Western intelligence agencies laughed at him, noting that the magazine had fallen into the trap. But the Soviets took it seriously, and enthusiastic researchers used it as ammunition to get Communist money.
In true Cold War style, Russian scientists were quick to brag about their impressive results and even published an unpublished study from the 1930s claiming to have successfully demonstrated telepathy.
As the American people watch the extraordinary announcements coming out of Moscow, it is their turn to be lied to. After all, if the Soviets were really using psychic power, it would give them a huge military advantage that could destroy the United States. And since it is difficult to deny that it is all real, the scientists who oppose it are ridiculed as "conservatives", while the believers in ghosts are called "the in progress". "The familiar old divide between those who do and those who do not need an accepted perspective before they can grasp a new reality," said a newspaper in 1961. "There's always a new discovery coming out."
The following year, the CIA sent a representative to the UK to contact top academics in Oxford, Cambridge and London who were interested in studying psychic abilities. Notes from the visit suggest that British "experts" on the subject may be more cautious in their approach than Americans. "The people I interviewed were interested in talking about ESP," the CIA official wrote, "but they didn't want to go into detail."
The United States did in a different way, however, by bringing a small army of people who declare themselves to the CIA, using the principles of observation. It is not known how many of these people actually believe they have ESP, but the CIA is still interested.
In the early 1980s, he commissioned an angel to Mars. The victim reported from his vision, saying that he had seen "ancient people" wearing different clothes. The CIA has released a detailed account of the incident, which reads like a narcotic.
In 1987, another seer photographed the US President sitting at his desk. The caption below reads, "Although denied, President Reagan is terminally ill and will not complete his term." Reagan lived another 17 years.
Psychics and the military
The US military has used mediums in real-life situations long before the British began experimenting after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
But for the CIA, it's an opportunity to put its psychological analysis to the test. Documents show that the agency conducted hundreds of surveillance sessions in an effort to obtain information about the detainees, their captors and possible escape routes.
When the most famous American officer, Brigadier General James L. Dozier was abducted by the Communist Red Brigades a few years later, and the media started doing something else.
Remarkably, it seems that everything they said was valid evidence and handed over to investigators. The case of Lebanon
In 1988, Lieutenant Colonel Rich Higgins of the US Navy was driving along the coastal highway in Lebanon through the ancient city of Tyre. His colleagues lead the way, returning to their offices at the headquarters of the UN peacekeeping mission. But when they reached a sharp point in the road, they forgot to see Higgins' jeep. At that time, three men with guns appeared, stopped the car and subdued it. Higgins was taken away at gunpoint.
In the United States, President Reagan told reporters, "We're still investigating, trying to find out more about this." But how did the investigation go? The day after the kidnapping, an order was sent to the CIA psychic spy team: "MESSAGE: Determine the location of US Marine Corps LTC William Rich Higgins."
From the beginning, there was no consensus among the remote observers, and the books show how they invented almost any possibility. The interviewer said Higgins was being held "near the ground, a tunnel or a bridge". Another said he was in a "good old house". A third said: "[Higgins] is geometrically in shape."
Importantly, most of their readings are not very specific to each other, which means that they can be applied to many situations in Lebanon. His location is described as "a mountainous area with stones" and "a kind of farming area, with animals like goats". Scientists say there is an "ancient feeling in the area" with people who are "soft and shy". "They wear scarves of different colors on their heads."
Obviously, the information is useless. But there's one thing most fans seem to agree on: Rich Higgins will be great. "It won't hurt him," said one. Another added: “He can be released easily. However, he will be released shortly after March 17, 1988.” It seems that everything will be fine.
Even after a video was released showing Higgins in captivity, psychics said he was "angry" and "terrified" but that he had been punished and "is doing well now". "The reality is that Higgins will be brought back unharmed," they said.
Finally, the remote viewers lined up and said what everyone agreed on: Rich Higgins had been killed. Finally, the long and difficult thing is over - but not before the experts have time to find out the secret of his death, and their wonderful paintings.
Rich Higgins' body was not found until late 1991. He was brought back to Washington to be buried with military honors. By then, the CIA's masterminds had already moved on to their next project. Nothing can make them deny their beliefs. In fact, in the same year, the company said that the Russian researcher had "completed his process" of "spiritual transmission". However, in the end, the psychics cried out.
In 1995, Project Stargate was abandoned after its process and conclusion ended. Discussing the work, scientists in the US attacked psychic spies, saying there was a "strong case" to stop their work.
Another analysis said: “The overwhelming amount of data generated by the viewers is vague, general, and way off target. The few apparent hits are just what we would expect if nothing other than reasonable guessing and subjective validation are operating.”
Six years passed before Tony Blair’s government picked up the baton after 9/11. After testing a series of wannabe psychics in their secret location, the MoD finally concluded that they had been “almost completely unsuccessful” and the results were “disappointing”
“The remote viewing study was conducted to assess claims made in some academic circles and to validate research carried out by other nations on psychic ability,” a government spokesperson said, when details of the experiments were later revealed. “The study concluded that remote viewing theories had little value to the MoD and was taken no further.”
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Paul Smith’s psychic school is located in an industrial park on the outskirts of Cedar City. It could be an accountant's office except for a decal of a pyramid and an all-seeing eye on the door.
It’s called Remote Viewing Instructional Services, and inside half a dozen students hailing from Colorado to Canada are practicing before their first session.
Remote viewing is a form of extrasensory perception, or ESP, where practitioners learn to describe an object, which might be on the other side of the world, without using any of their five senses.
The entrance to Remote Viewing Instructional Services where students learn the psychic method of remote viewing is seen in Cedar City, Utah.
In Smith’s version, a “manager” gives a “viewer” an arbitrary number. It represents a target that could be anything from the Eiffel Tower to a terrorist’s location. But the student doesn’t know what that is.
The viewer listens to the number and then something happens. Even Smith said he doesn’t know what exactly. But the students quickly sketch the target, and before them on paper appears whatever impression they received.
“While I was in what has become known as the Stargate program I was an operational remote viewer, which meant that I actually did applied remote viewing projects to try and gain intelligence information from potential foreign threats,” said Smith. Those threats included the Soviet Union, Chinese businesses and narco traffickers.
Smith grew up in a small town in Nevada. He joined the Army as an Arabic linguist and was in intelligence at Fort Meade, Maryland, when he was recruited into Stargate. The program lasted from 1978 to 1995 and cost as much as $20 million according to declassified documents and former operators.
Although Stargate was abandoned by the military, a cottage industry has grown around remote viewing. Some two-dozen schools offer lessons and services to civilians. Smith’s week-long program costs $3,000. He said it’s the Cadillac option because of his CIA training.
Working by Police and Psychics
These mediums include clairvoyants, prophets, telepaths, palmists, numerologists, graphologists and metaphysicians. Psychologists and researchers base their work on intuition to some extent. Dorothy Allison of Nutley, NJ has assisted the police in more than 4,000 investigations and has received numerous letters from law enforcement agencies explaining how she has helped them.
To provide information in crime investigations, many psychics like to have stories or photos of the victim or visit the victim's home or crime scene. Allison only asks for the person's date and place of birth and the date and place they were last seen.
Professional Psychics United (PPU), a network of more than 380 psychics, has a volunteer psychic rescue team.
PPU ghosts are usually only involved when contacted by the police. Paul Kurtz, head of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Paranormal Claims, dismisses paranormalists completely, saying that most of their findings are really speculation.
A 1993 article in the organization's journal found that 31 of the 50 major police departments surveyed did not take action. The FBI does not employ psychics or plans to use them, although it says they, like other citizens, can provide information for investigation by law enforcement officials. Angels and their detractors differ in their values, but they will continue to be involved in criminal investigations.
In the 1970s, a brilliant former Israeli soldier promoted extrasensory perception, or ESP. Uri Geller claims that he can use his mind to bend spoons, see into sealed bags, and even read other people's minds.
It's great TV. But outside, Geller has also attracted members of the intellectual community.
"That's where it gets really interesting, because scientists are like, 'Wait a minute, maybe we can read the minds of other government officials; maybe we can to see inside a nuclear facility in Russia," said National Security Correspondent Annie Jacobsen. .
Little brown
It seems unbelievable, but it is true. Writing in the now declassified documents, Jacobsen chronicled nearly a decade of US government efforts to use Uri Geller, and others like him, for espionage. But there has been a long history, Jacobsen said, that the Kremlin is also experimenting with ways to use ESP to handcuff people.
"There is an undisclosed article that talks about the real threat of the Pentagon quoting Uri Geller as saying that if he can bend metal with his mind, he can use his mind to jam the most powerful electronic devices of nuclear weapons.
For more info:
- CIA documents on Project Star Gate
- "Phenomena: The Secret History of the U.S. Government's Investigations into Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis" by Annie Jacobsen (Little Brown); Available via Amazon
- "Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe" by Dean Radin, Ph.D. (Penguin); Available via Amazon
- Sean Carroll, California Institute of Technology
- Institute of Noetic Sciences, Petaluma, Calif.