What is Halal Certification?
Definition of Halal: The word Halal means: "License,
recognition, approval, approval, consent, legal permission, legal or
What is Halal?
When used in connection with food or beverages, no matter
what form, it means that it is allowed and suitable for Muslim consumption.
As a food or drink of Halal, it must be in accordance with
the Islamic dietary laws, in the Koran, the Prophet Mohammed ’s words and deeds
(proverbs) and its Islamic rules (tradition), and in the Islamic jurist Fiqh (
Doctrine): "Hanafi, Sahfi'i, Malki, Hanbali, etc." Other regulations
came from Ijma '(collectively agreeing to scholars) and Qiyas (similar) Islamic
The Halal Certification Authority (HCA) certifies products
that meet the above conditions, so certified products can be accepted by all
Muslim believers.
Halal products
The whole and part of a product are in line with the
following, it is regarded as a Halal product.
1. There is no substance or ingredient that does not contain
any animal or ingredient obtained or extracted from Haram (unlawful food
regulated by Islamic law).
2. Use utensils, equipment and / or machines that have been
purified according to Islamic teachings for processing, production,
manufacturing and / or storage.
3. During preparation, manufacturing, production, processing
and / or storage, there must be no contact with, contact with, or proximity to
Haram (non-legal food regulated by Islamic law) substances.
What is Haram?
Definition of Haram: The word Haram means: "Not allowed, not recognized, not
approved, not approved, not agreed, not allowed by law, illegally, illegally or
When used in connection with food or beverages, no matter
what form, it means that it is not allowed and is not suitable for Muslim
Haram products
A product that is in contact with or whose whole or part
contains the following is considered a Haram product.
1. Animals not slaughtered by Halal
2. Pig, dog, donkey or carnivores
3. Animals killed by slaughtering, hitting the head (such as
clubbing), falling, natural death (carrion), congestion, or being attacked by
other animals
4. Animals with prominent canine teeth such as monkeys, cats
and lions.
5. Amphibians, such as frogs and crocodiles.
6. Unwelcome insects, such as worms, flies and cockroaches.
7. Birds that use their paws to prey, such as owls and
8. Alcohol, harmful substances, toxic and intoxicating plants
or beverages.
9. Blood
Production guide for Halal certified products
1. Before the preparation of Halal products, all equipment,
machines, utensils, stoves, containers, benches and ovens used for the
preparation of Halal products should be cleaned under supervision.
2. The storage room and preparation area used to prepare
Halal products should be isolated.
3. The storage, preparation, heating and / or cooking of
Halal products should be performed under supervision.
4. Halal and non-Halal products should not be prepared,
mixed, cooked or heated in / on the same equipment at the same time.
5. Raw, unprocessed seafood, vegetables and fruits do not
have to be Halal certified and can be obtained from any supplier.
6. All raw, frozen, dried, processed and prepared ingredients
required for the preparation of Halal products are different from Article (5)
above and should be purchased from a Halal approved supplier and stored in the
storage room It is isolated from other unacceptable ingredients.
7. Any product, ingredient or finished product that is not
recognized or certified cannot be used in the preparation of Halal products.
8. Halal products exposed to non-Halal products during
processing will not be considered, labeled or sold as Halal.
Halal Slaughter Guide
Condition: The conditions required for the slaughter of Halal animals
and birds are as follows:
1. The slaughterhouse or factory must be strictly and
continuously supervised by a Halal certified person.
2. Before any production begins, the plant, machinery and
equipment must be cleaned in accordance with Sharia law (law).
3. The butcher must be an adult and mentally healthy devout
Muslim believer. He fully understands the basic principles and conditions of
Halal slaughter and is recognized by religious institutions.
4. Only qualified live animals and live birds can be
5. Slaughtering must be done manually using a stainless steel
6. After each slaughter, the factory must be able to provide
clean water to rinse the knife.
7. The butcher must cut off the respiratory tract (of live
animals and live birds), esophagus and jugular vein.
8. Animals and birds must die completely before peeling.
9. Only Halal animals and birds can be slaughtered by Halal.
See Also: Islam Religion
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