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 How to stay healthy with Ayurvedic Medicinal Drugs?

Most of us want to improve our health and happiness so that we feel good, look great, and have unstoppable energy and longevity. Achieving this high level of health requires more than prevention or diagnosis of disease. The key is balance. Ayurveda may help you find balance, better understand your body, and lead you to live a long, healthy and happy life.

What is Ayurveda medicine?

Ayurveda medicine (also known as Ayurveda) is a natural holistic diagnosis and treatment system that has been developed in India for thousands of years. The word Ayurveda comes from two Sanskrit words: ayur means life, veda means knowledge or science, and is usually translated as "science of life and longevity."

Ayurveda is a complementary and alternative medicine that focuses on maintenance and healthy living, not fighting disease. The system has many health benefits, including improved digestion, metabolism and immune function, as well as reduced anxiety, depression and stress.
Difference between Ayurveda and traditional medicine

Ayurveda is a great complement to traditional medicine, but it is different in many ways. Traditional medicine often focuses on the differences between diseases. In contrast, Ayurveda emphasizes the differences between people. Specifically, it considers the biological individuality of patients who they are, not what they have.

Traditional medicine emphasizes the body, while Ayurveda focuses on the connection between body, mind, and spirit; the underlying causes of the disease and how the patient's mind, beliefs, and lifestyle affect the disease. 
In summary, Ayurvedic Rx may include dietary changes, yoga exercises, meditation, essential oils, healing herbs, supplements, and / or stress management, rather than prescribing medication or surgery.

Three Life Energy (Doshas)

According to Ayurveda, everyone is made up of five cosmic elements: air, fire, water, earth, and air. Each of these elements can be found in a combination of constitutions or energy types that define what is called life energy.

Three vital energy: Vata (air and air), Pitta (fire and water) and Kapha (earth and water). Everyone has a unique combination of energy types, and one of them dominates.

You can take a short test online or see a doctor in Ayurveda to determine your energy type. Understanding your energy type will help you understand your body and yourself, and how to maintain balance through diet, herbs, and lifestyle changes.

How to balance Vata type people?

People of the Vata type are creative, energetic, and slim. When in balance, they feel relaxed, content and energetic, have good digestion and sleep. When imbalanced, people of the Vata type feel tired, distracted, and susceptible to joint inflammation, anxiety, asthma, and heart disease.

 Lifestyle: For Vata people, it's important to relax, stay warm, have a regular schedule and get plenty of rest. Yoga, breath control (breathing exercises), sesame oil massage, decompression, avoiding stimulants and drinking are recommended.

Diet: People of the Vata type should eat regular meals and snacks as well as soothing, warm and refreshing foods such as soups and stews. Mild seasonings such as ginger, cinnamon, anise and cardamom are great for Vata type people.

To make you feel solid and relaxed, Vata type people may benefit from herbal teas containing chicory root, lemon grass, orange peel and licorice. Great essential oils: warm, sweet essential oils, such as sweet orange essential oil, fennel essential oil, holy basil essential oil, marjoram essential oil, rose, ylang-ylang essential oil, frankincense essential oil, and sweet orange essential oil are very good.

How to keep Pitta-type people in balance?

Pitta-type bodies are strong, quick-thinking, and may be perfectionists and workaholics. People in a balanced Pitta type feel calm and happy, have strong digestive abilities, radiant skin, and good sleep. When unbalanced, they are prone to inflammatory reactions, acne, heartburn, self-criticism, and heart disease due to stress.

    Lifestyle: Because they have an inherent motivation, relaxation and fun may be beneficial to Pitta-type people. Meditation, especially relaxing at the end of the day, spending time with friends and family, walking in nature, and swimming may help them thrive.

Diet: Very suitable for Pitta type people. The diet is cold (especially in summer) and sweet foods, not spicy, sour or salty foods. They should eat moderate portions of food three times a day to avoid drinking and overeating. Spicy foods should be avoided, but small amounts of sweet, bitter spices such as cardamom, mint, and saffron are fine.

People of the Pitta type may benefit from teas containing the following ingredients, including cabbage, rose, cardamom, licorice and ginger. Great Essential Oils: Find a blend that promotes soothing and focused energy.

Good choices include fennel essential oil, sandalwood essential oil, and rose. A small amount of ylang-ylang and frankincense oils, plus a little lemon or peppermint oil, will give you a feeling of refreshment and may help to balance Pitta-type people.
Ayurvedic Medicine and Medicinal Drugs for Health

How to keep Kapha-type people in balance?

Kapha-type humans are heavy, slow-moving, calm, and easy-going. When in balance, they have a healthy immune system, good endurance, and good sleep. When imbalanced, people of the Kapha type easily gain weight, feel sluggish, and are prone to obesity, bronchitis, depression, diabetes, high cholesterol, asthma, and allergies

    Lifestyle: Stimulating activities, learning new things, fresh air, and daily vigorous exercise are good for Kapha type people. With upbeat friends, listening to brisk music may also help them maintain balance.

Diet: Because they tend to get fat, people with Kapha type should eat lighter foods, avoiding sweet and salty foods and overeating-especially at night.
They may benefit from warm, light foods and teas that include ginger, cloves, cardamom, turmeric, and saffron.

To promote digestion, people with Kapha type should drink hot ginger tea at meals, And chew fennel seeds after meals. Good essential oils: As people of the Kapha type feel drowsy and dull, they may benefit from warm, spicy, and refreshing essential oils such as Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Basil and Rosemary essential oil.

No matter what type you are, Ayurveda allows you to maintain a balance between your body, mind, spirit, and environment so you can feel good and strengthen your ability to fight disease.


"Ayurveda" is Sanskrit, and Chinese is generally translated as "Ayurveda" or "Veda of life". Ayurveda is Sanskrit and is composed of two words: Ayur means "life", Veda means "knowledge", So the word Ayurveda means the science of life. Ayurveda medicine is not only a medical system, but also represents a healthy lifestyle.

Basic overview

   It is considered the oldest medical system in the world. The Indian medical system includes Ayurveda (also known as Vedas of Life) medicine and Siddha medicine. It is considered the oldest medical system in the world. It has been used in countless traditional Indian families for more than 5,000 years. It affects almost all medical systems in the northern and southern hemispheres, so India's Ayurveda is known as the "Mother of Medicine".

From the early literature, it can be seen that Ayurvedic doctors have prophetic opinions on the powerful medical properties of plants, and can be said to be the pioneers of modern pharmacology. They also knew how the body works, and there was even evidence that Dr. Ayurveda had undergone human surgery.

In addition, this system has also emphasized the importance of diet and spirituality from ancient times to the present. The shadow of Ayurveda can be seen in Chinese traditional Chinese medicine and the medical method of Hippocrates, "the father of modern medicine".

What is History and development of Ayurvedic Medicine?

Ayurveda traditional medicine dates back to the Vedic age of 5000 BC. It is known for the oldest documented comprehensive medical system in the world.

Ayurveda Brahma Medical Museum

According to Indian mythology, the origin of Ayurveda is legendary. It was created by Brahma, the creator of one of the three major Hindu gods, to protect humanity before it was created. Brahma first taught Ayurveda to the twin twins (Aswins) of the twin gods of medicine, and they taught them to Indra, the god of thunderstorms. Indra taught to the wise men who practiced in the world, and they passed on to their offspring and disciples.

For the first time in history, Ayurvedic records appear in Rig Veda, an ancient collection of Indian poetry dating back to 6000 BC. From 3000 BC to 2000 BC, Atharva, one of the four Vedic classics, was introduced. Among them, Ayurveda was a supplement to the Vedic scriptures-Veda, attached to Awapo, Tuo. 
Although Ayurvedic medicine has long been used in practice, it was not until then that it was compiled into a book by word of mouth and became an independent science.

Subject research

The following are the eight branches of Ayurvedic medicine:
Ayurveda Brahma Medical Museum
1. Kayachikitsa (Internal Medicine)
2. Shalakya Tantra (Head and Neck Surgery and Therapy, Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology)
3. Shalya Tantra (Surgery)
4. Agada Tantra (Toxicology)
5. Bhuta Vidya (psychiatry)
6. Kaumarabhritya (Pediatrics)
7. Rasayana (gerontology that delays body aging)
8. Vajikarana (fertility)
The earliest expositions of the above eight branches appeared in Atreya Samhita, which is still applied in real life to this day.

Ayurvedic Medicine School study

Around 1500 BC, Ayurveda medicine was divided into two schools: Atiyah-Internal Medicine School and Dhanvantari-Surgery School, making it a more systematic science. These two colleges have authored two major books on Ayurveda medicine-Caraka Samhita and Susruta Samhita. Both medical classics were written in the first half of the 1st century BC.

The Book of Zoroga was written by the great Indian medical ancestor Zorogar, and was supplemented and modified by Atiyah. It is still the most widely used medical book in Ayurveda. Miaowen inherited the theories of the Vatican school, the ancestor of Indian medicine.

His "Miaowen Collection" compiled various knowledge of repair surgery, including limb replacement surgery, plastic surgery, laparotomy and even brain surgery. At the same time, he is also famous for inventing rhinoplasty.

Around 500 AD, Astanga Hridaya, the third important Ayurvedic medical work, was published. It synthesizes the views of the two universities of Ayurveda. From 500 AD to 1900 AD, 16 important medical monographs, Nightus, were introduced as supplements to Ayurveda's medical classics. They collected and recorded various new drugs, expanded their usage and discarded old drugs and material identification methods.

See Also:
  • Ayurveda
  • Reiki

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COVID-19 pandemic: Urge countries to take stronger action to stop the spread of harmful information

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations, specialized agencies and partners today called on countries to formulate and implement action plans to promote the timely dissemination of scientifically based information, prevent the dissemination of false information, and respect freedom of speech.


United Nations bodies draw attention on Fake News regarding Corona Virus

WHO, UN, UNICEF, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNESCO, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), UN "Global Pulse" Program and Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, The International Federation, together with the governments of Indonesia, Thailand and Uruguay, held an online seminar during the 75th United Nations General Assembly to draw attention to the harm caused by misinformation and dissemination of false information, which was deliberately disseminated to advance an agenda Error message.


UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Coronavirus Fake News: 

“Since the virus began to spread globally, inaccurate and even dangerous information has begun to spread widely on social media, causing people to be confused and misled. 

We initiated a'verification'. Advocate, use facts to combat misinformation. Through cooperation with media partners, individuals, influential people and social media platforms, the content we spread promotes science, provides solutions, and inspires unity.

In our efforts to build this is crucial when the public has confidence in the safety and effectiveness of any COVID-19 vaccine being developed. 

The 'people's vaccine' we need is to be affordable and accessible to all."


WHO Director-General Dr. Tan Desai said on COVID Misinformation:

 “Misinformation and false information put health and lives at risk and undermine people’s trust in science, institutions, and health systems.

 To fight this pandemic, we need trust and Unity, when there is distrust, unity will be greatly reduced. False information hinders the response to this pandemic, so we must unite to fight it and promote science-based public health advice.

 Response to COVID-19 The same principles apply to the management of information epidemics. We need to work together to prevent, detect and respond to this problem."


UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner said on COVID-19 Misinformation:

 “In addition to having a direct impact on the pandemic response, false information also undermines the public’s trust in democratic processes and institutions, and exacerbates social divisions. 

This is the greatest cause of our time. One of the worrying governance challenges. The United Nations Development Programme is actively cooperating with member states, other UN agencies and other partners to find a holistic response that respects human rights."


Henrietta Fore, Executive Director of UNICEF, said on Coronavirus Myths:

 “Misinformation is one of the fastest-growing challenges facing children today. It uses and further widens the cracks in trust in society and institutions, and undermines people’s understanding of science and Medical confidence, and division of the community.

 In the most harmful situations, such as when parents are persuaded not to vaccinate their children, it can even be fatal. 

Because misinformation is not so much a disease as a symptom, so respond Misinformation requires not only to provide the truth, but also to build trust among leaders, communities and individuals."


UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Baianima said on Coronavirus conspiracy theories:

 “We can only defeat COVID-19 with facts, science and community solidarity. Misinformation perpetuates stigma and discrimination and must not be protected against ensuring human rights. Ensuring that people at risk and marginalized have access to health and social protection services is a hindrance."


Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, said on COVID conspiracy theories:

 “Since the pandemic began, UNESCO has mobilized an international network of media partners, journalists, fact-checkers, community radio stations and experts to help Citizens provide the means to combat false information and rumors that have been exacerbated by the epidemic.

 Collective mobilization for the promotion of high-quality and reliable information while strictly ensuring respect for freedom of speech is crucial. Free, independent, and diverse news media are now more than ever More necessary."


Houlin Zhao, Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union, said COVID-19 Fake News:

 “Trust is the cornerstone of the digital world. Based on the long-term joint initiative of the WHO and ITU, “BeHe@lthy BeMobile” (BeHe@lthy BeMobile) has been established since the beginning of the crisis. 

Lianhe has been cooperating with the national telecommunications and health authorities and mobile network operators to send text messages to people who may not have access to the internet, so that they can obtain scientific and evidence-based COVID-19 health advice directly on their phones."


World health Organization (WHO) busts fake News
COVID Fake News busted by WHO

WHO and partners urge countries to engage with communities when formulating national action plans, listen to their opinions, and empower communities to build trust and resilience against misinformation.


Joe Pagan, Secretary-General of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, said on COVID misconceptions:

 “Promoting community participation and understanding the community’s views on disease and response measures are essential to building trust and ending the epidemic.

 If our response measures do not really Reflecting the concerns and opinions of the community, we will not be regarded as pivotal or trusted by the affected population, and there is a risk of failure in response to the epidemic.

 Local responders are at the forefront of this crisis more than ever. We want to Recognize the important role they play in understanding and applying local knowledge and community feedback."


Media and Social Media should Curb COVID Fake News

The co-organizers also called on the media, social media platforms, civil society leaders and influential people to further strengthen their actions to disseminate accurate information and prevent the spread of errors and false information. 

Access to accurate information and the free exchange of ideas online and offline are the keys to an effective and credible public health response.


Robert Kirkpatrick, director of the UN Secretary-General’s Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Initiative, UN’s “Global Pulse” program, said on Coronavirus erroneous information: 

“The UN’s “Global Pulse” program was established in the United Nations system ten years ago to be the first to use real-time and predictable insights. 

To protect vulnerable groups in times of crisis. During this pandemic, we have seen a significant increase in the demand for advanced analysis across the UN system and member states.

 We will continue to work with WHO and other partners to help identify and combat errors and False information."


Efforts to curb corona virus misinformation

The WHO defines an information epidemic as online and offline information excess. It includes accurate information as well as false and false information.


In May 2020, the member states of the WHO passed Resolution WHA73.1 on the response to the COVID-19 epidemic at the World Health Assembly. 

The resolution recognizes that managing the information epidemic is a key part of controlling the COVID-19 pandemic: it calls on member states to provide reliable content about COVID-19, take measures to combat false and false information, and use various digital technologies to respond to the epidemic. 

The resolution also calls on international organizations to deal with errors and false information in the digital domain, work to prevent harmful online activities from compromising health response measures, and support the provision of science-based data to the public.

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Whether or not Human Beings can Actually achieve zero infection of COVID-19? 

At present, most scientists agree that in order to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2, we need to take strict control measures, including effective contact tracing, testing and isolation, and Maintain social distance, wear masks, etc., and countries such as South Korea, China, and New Zealand have successfully used this method to successfully suppress the spread and spread of the virus. Some people even called for a method of zeroing out COVID-19 patients in an attempt to eliminate the virus, rather than curb its spread. 

New Zealand seems to have succeeded at this point, but after 100 days of no new cases, new cases of infection appeared. And from international travel and other unknown sources. Although the adoption of the above control measures can flatten the number of infected districts and counties, it does not seem feasible to achieve zero COVID-19 infection.


Is it impossible to achieve full freedom from of Coronavirus disease?

It may be possible for some island countries. Take New Zealand as an example, it must prevent the virus from being re-imported. 

Of course, this may require long-term and strict travel restrictions, and very strict nucleic acid tests are performed on passengers before and after travel.

 Given that people's interest in extending border closures is not great, and the control measures close to the community are not enough to eliminate the virus, it seems impossible to achieve zero infection at present, but it may be possible if we use different methods in the future .


Which is the most effective way to suppress COVID-19?

The most effective way to suppress COVID-19 infection is to use the natural defense mechanism of the human body, that is, the immune system.

 Recovery from the virus infection process is usually related to the body’s immunity, so whether it can be protected after being infected with SARS-CoV-2 

The body is not re-infected by the virus. Researchers are not clear at present, but there are few cases of re-infection. Most of the infected people will produce antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, and some asymptomatic infected people may not produce antibodies. But the infection will still activate the body’s immune system T cells, thus providing a substitute 

The defense mechanism, therefore, it seems that infection produces immunity in most people, at least in the short term.


Should coronavirus be allowed to spread in the population to allow the development of herd immunity?

Knowing this mechanism, some scientists have suggested that the virus should be allowed to spread in the population to allow the development of herd immunity, while protecting the elderly and susceptible people, so that immunity can be generated in a sufficient number of people. 

To stop the spread and spread of the disease, for a highly spreading virus like measles, the threshold for spreading is as high as 90%-95%, while some people think that for SARS-CoV-2, this threshold may be It will be as low as 50%, and the consensus of experts is around 60%-70%.


However, the current proportion of people who are infected with SARS-CoV-2 and recover has not reached this level, and the results of antibody studies also show that about 3% of people in Dublin have been infected with the virus, and the proportion may be even higher in New York City. That is 23%.

But the higher infection rate in New York may lead to more deaths, even considering the larger population.

However, Sweden has adopted a liberal policy in controlling the epidemic, which has led to more cases. 

Its death toll per million population is ten times that of neighboring Finland and Norway. 

In these places, the impact of the second wave may be lower, because many people get infected per pound, but if the threshold of herd immunity is not reached, the entire population still seems unable to be protected, and attempts to reach this threshold through natural infection.

The consequence may be that more high-risk populations will die, including the elderly, obese patients and patients with underlying diseases; in addition, some infected people will continue to develop long-term health complications, even if their The initial infection is not too serious.


Infographics on Coronavirus eradication

Therefore, for most people, the risks associated with pursuing herd immunity make it an unacceptable strategy for suppressing the virus, let alone eliminating it. 

However, theoretically speaking, the realization of herd immunity through vaccination may allow us to reach the elusive zero infection situation. 

In many developed countries, vaccines have reduced the incidence of diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus, and measles to nearly zero degree. 

There are currently more than 200 SARS-CoV-2 vaccines under development, but if there is a vaccine that can completely eliminate COVID-19, the threshold may be a bit high. Any vaccine needs to prevent the disease and block the spread of the disease in the population. Aspect is very effective.


The current fastest-developed COVID vaccine has turned its attention to a lower goal

To achieve at least 50% effectiveness, which is also the threshold for obtaining FDA approval. Scientists have developed a highly effective vaccine on the first attempt. It may be an optimistic idea, and the vaccine also needs to be effective for all age groups, and can be safely vaccinated for all people. 

Safety is the key, because any problems in any age group will cause them to Vaccine confidence and willingness to vaccinate. 

At the same time, it is necessary to produce enough vaccines to vaccinate more than 7 billion people around the world. This will take time; for example, AstraZeneca, which is developing a new crown vaccine, has now reached an agreement that it will produce 20% by the end of 2021. 

100 million doses of vaccine. The impact of COVID-19 on humans may not be achieved overnight. 

The last case of natural smallpox occurred in 1977, 10 years have passed since the WHO launched the smallpox eradication program, and the development of the first smallpox vaccine has passed. It took nearly 200 years, and it took nearly 30 years from the initiative to eradicate polio to the eradication of polio in areas other than Pakistan and Afghanistan.



Therefore, although an effective vaccine can provide humans with the best chance of zero infection of COVID-19, we should still remain realistic about what may happen. Although it is not unimaginable to eliminate the virus in most parts of the world, It may take a long time.

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How do lung nodules come about? The doctor analyzed 4 reasons and hoped to avoid it soon

Lung nodules, as the name suggests, grow in the lungs. In fact, there are many reasons for people to have lung nodules, and sometimes many people have various problems. They wonder, are lung nodules and lung cancer cancer? 

Many people don't know much about this. Because at this time, many people will panic because of lung diseases. This is because this year, lung diseases in my country have reached the highest level of concern in history.


Lung Nodules and Coronavirus Epidemic

This year, because of the impact of the new coronavirus epidemic, it has indeed sounded the alarm for many people. Some people will find that they have nodules during a lung examination. 

Although they are only small shadows, they are panicked. Don't be afraid, the doctor will give you a specific analysis of what is a pulmonary nodule. 

There are 4 reasons for the appearance of pulmonary nodules. Avoid them as soon as possible.


Benign nodules will gradually disappear over time

In clinical practice, we call lung shadows less than 3 cm in diameter as pulmonary nodules. These nodules can be large or small. Nodules less than 1 cm are called small nodules. 

Nodules are also divided into benign and malignant. Benign nodules will gradually disappear over time, but malignant nodules will slowly develop into lung cancer. 

The probability of malignant transformation of lung nodules is also different. Solid nodules may have the lowest malignant transformation, and mixed ground-glass nodules may have the highest malignant transformation, which can reach 63%.


Detailed Lung Nodules Infographics
Lung Nodules Infographics

What Method is used for Lung Nodules detection?

When a patient is detected to have a nodule on the body, under normal circumstances, doctors will detect the nodule based on the nature of the nodule. Clinically, CT detection and biopsy are generally used. 

When the sister detected that the nodule was not correct, and there are still these 4 reasons, then it is very likely that it is lung cancer.


1. People who insist on smoking a pack of cigarettes a day are likely to grow lung nodules, leading to malignant transformation of the nodules and lung cancer. Smoking is harmful to health. 

Many people are talking about it, but many people still don't listen. Smoke contains a lot of carcinogens, which are adsorbed on the lungs. Causes nodules in the lungs.


2. Long-term survival in an air-polluted environment will cause lung damage and lung nodules. 

Because these dust materials contain a large amount of particulate matter, these particulate matter will adhere to the lungs over time and affect the normal operation of the lungs. 

Over time, it will lead to the appearance of lung nodules, so it is necessary to treat as soon as possible to ensure good health.


3. Patients who have experienced lung injury will also easily grow lung nodules. 

Because the lungs have been injured, it will cause blood stasis in the lungs in the blood vessels. Then in the following days, these positions Nodules will grow easily.


4. The formation of pulmonary nodules may also be caused by tumor metastasis in other parts of the body.

If there is a malignant tumor on the body, then the tumor metastasis will lead to the appearance of nodules in the lungs, and in severe cases, it will also induce malignant transformation of the nodules.


Is appearance and disappearance of nodules easy?

The appearance and disappearance of nodules are not very simple, and need to be adjusted and treated according to the doctor's opinion. First perform a body row to see if you have some other cancers, and treat it as soon as possible to prevent the occurrence of nodules.

 Of course, you must also pay attention to certain bad habits. Quit smoking and drinking, go to the hospital for regular check-ups, and stop any bad factors in time. 

Remember to wear a mask when you are outdoors and eat more vegetables. , Fruit, exercise, then you can keep your body healthy, prevent nodules from growing in your lungs, and give your body a healthy guarantee.

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Prerequisites for the development of family medicine system and Technologies

With the rapid growth of world economic level, people's living standards continue to improve. After solving the problem of food and clothing, people pay more and more attention to health problems.

According to the aggregation of general Family Medical and Health Consumption Trend Reports among the world residents' per capita consumption, medical care pointed out that the same percentage growth rate was the highest.


Why do people's health consciousness increase family medical health consumption, rather than the increase in traditional medical expenses? The reason why this happens are two reasons:


The maturity of emerging medical technologies

The maturity of emerging technology has promoted the development of family medicine. In the medical and health market, not only new intelligent medical and health equipment that can record various health data of the body in detail, such as smart bracelets, watches and smart body fat scales, are also emerging. 

Moreover, industry giants such as Apple, Huawei, Tencent, and One Health entered the intelligent family medical service, allowing more intelligent family medical products to be developed.


For example, Apple Watch, which is already on the market, has the functions of recognizing the user's fall and calling, reminding of abnormal heart rhythm and ECG electrocardiogram.

 Family medical functions such as online consultation, and life entertainment functions such as weather forecast and radio. 

While providing users with personalized customized medical and health services, it also provides users with a way of life and entertainment. 

As for Huawei, which has been developing 5G technology, this year also aimed at the medical field and entered the medical industry.


Social needs

In recent years, the aging rate of the world's social population has accelerated, and many empty or half-empty elderly people have appeared. 

When the health problems of these elderly people occur, their children will often not be able to understand it in the first place because of work problems. Or when the elderly need daily care or to deal with sudden health problems, the children will not be able to stay with their parents at all times because of busy work, helping them cope with these emergencies.


If at this time, there is a way or device that can detect the health status of the elderly in real time, can give advice on medication according to their physical condition, and can remind them when to use the medicine. This not only helps the elderly to save many lives, it may even deepen the relationship between parents and children.


For these reasons, more and more intelligent home medical devices will appear on the market. For example, the one-self self-developed bear smart medicine box has a one-click calling function. When the elderly have an emergency, it will be the first time Notify family members, and can provide corresponding medical services according to the physical condition of the elderly. Apple Watch, which is already on the market, can also recognize that the user has fallen and called.


Clinical Family Health and Medicine

These are the needs of the society for intelligent medical equipment, and these needs cannot be provided by the hospital. This is why the improvement of people's health awareness does not promote the improvement of traditional medical services, but the increase of family medical expenses.

Rrapid development of emerging medical technologies

The rapid development of family medical care is inseparable from the needs of society and the rapid development of emerging technology. People believe that with the rapid development of emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, etc., the process of family intelligent medical model will also fully realize the intelligent family Medical health management occupies a place in the field of medical health life, providing the public with a convenient and fast medical treatment model.


One Health-Bear Wisdom Medicine Box

One Health is based on the big health sector, covering genetic testing, body data management tools, intelligent hardware, sports and fitness. Its product Wisdom Wisdom Medicine Box is based on the era of smart medical big data, with an integrated multi-sign detection intelligent service terminal as the entrance, integrating family drug management, physiological index measurement, online consultation, real-time video, case management, medication reminder, one-click The home medical service system with call as a whole is a smart medicine box with a family health intelligent terminal, intelligent detection of health index, and all aspects of chronic disease management.

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Pathology Transmission Diagnosis and How to Treat Prevent Enteroviruses

Enteroviruses include poliomyelitis virus, Coxsackievirus, enterocytopathic human orphan virus (ECHO for short) and a new type of enterovirus with 71 serotypes. Enteroviruses are infectious diseases caused by viruses. Those with mild clinical manifestations include burnout, fatigue, and low fever, and those with severe infections can have systemic infections. The brain, spinal cord, heart, liver, and other important organs are damaged. Cause death. This type of disease is distributed all over the world. It is found throughout the year in tropical and subtropical regions. It is more common in temperate summers and has a high incidence in warm, humid, poor sanitary and crowded areas. 

Nickname:    Enterovirus

Visiting department:    Anorectal

Common locations:    Intestine

Contagious:   Yes

Table of Contents

    1 Pathology

    2 Ways of Transmission

    3 Diagnosis

    4 Treatment

    5 Prevention

Pathology for enteroviruses

Pathogen enteroviruses include poliovirus, coxsackie virus, and orphans that cause cytopathic changes in the human intestine

Pediatric virus (ECHO virus). These viruses belonged to the Enterovirus genus of the Picornaviridae family in 1970. Enteroviruses discovered after the 67 types of the three enteroviruses named above are named after the enterovirus ordinal number, that is, enteroviruses 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, etc.

Enterovirus particles are small, 20-hedron, diameter 24-30nm, lipid-free, core with single-stranded ribonucleic acid, resistant to ether and other lipid solvents, acid-resistant, and resistant to various antibiotics, antivirals, and detergents Resistance. Most viruses develop cytopathic effects in cell culture.

Enteroviruses are usually parasitic in the intestine and, in rare cases, enter the bloodstream or nervous tissue. Normal virus carriers are rare, recessive infections are very common, and clinical symptoms after infection are few.

Epidemic situation From 1969 to 1973, acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis caused by enterovirus type 70 occurred in many parts of the world, first in Ghana, Africa, and later in other parts of Africa.

In 1970, pandemics occurred in Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Singapore and other places, involving millions of people.

In 1971, there were several small outbreaks in Yugoslavia and France in Europe. It became popular in Asia and Africa again in 1981 and spread to the Caribbean, northern South America, Central America and Miami, USA. In the 1980s, several epidemics also occurred in China. 

Pathology of Enterovirus

Way for spreading of enteroviruses

Humans are the only natural host for enteroviruses. The virus spreads through close contact between people (through fingers, tableware, and food).

Viruses are present in the throat and intestines of infected people, and it takes longer to remove the virus from feces, which can last for several weeks. Fecal-mouth is the main route of transmission. It can also be spread by droplets by accident. The virus lives in sewage for a long time.

Onset and clinical manifestations of enterovirus

After ingestion of the virus in humans, after 7 to 14 days, the virus that is present in lymphoid tissues of the pharynx and intestine passes through the bloodstream to proliferate into mononuclear phagocytes, and finally reaches the target organ (such as spinal cord, brain, Meninges, heart, liver, skin, etc.), cause corresponding clinical symptoms in different organs.

Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis caused by enterovirus type 70 is usually sudden onset, with severe eye pain, photophobia, blurred vision, subconjunctival bleeding, and bleeding from small bleeding points to large bleedings. Full recovery within 10 days. Can be accompanied by a rare neurological complication-acute lumbar spinal spinal radiculopathy, which is more common in adult males and occurs a few weeks after eye disease.

The main symptoms are similar to polio and can lead to sequelae such as paralysis and muscle atrophy. Another complication is facial paralysis. Enterovirus 71 mainly causes hand-foot-mouth disease and aseptic meningitis. Enterovirus 72 can cause hepatitis A. 

Diagnosis of Enteroviruses

Diagnosis of enteroviruses

Depends on detection of pathogens and antibodies. These viruses can be found in feces, blood, cerebrospinal fluid, spinal cord, conjunctival secretions, and lesions in the throat, brain, heart, liver, and skin or mucous membranes. 
The virus can be isolated by tissue culture or animal inoculation, and then identified by corresponding antisera. Fast and sensitive methods for detecting nucleic acids include PCR and SAT.

Fast and sensitive methods for detecting antigens include immunofluorescence, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and nucleic acid hybridization. Detection of serum antibody titers in the acute phase and recovery phase can be confirmed if there is a 4-fold increase in antibody titers. Methods include neutralization test, complement binding test and hemagglutination inhibition test.  

Treatment of enterovirus

There are no specific treatments available. Symptomatic treatment is used and most patients can recover. 

Common enteroviruses are Quexackie virus, also known as Coxsackievirus groups A and B, 23 types of A (type A), 6 types of B (type B), 31 types of Echovirus, and 31 Three types of Poliovirus that cause polio, and unclassified enterovirus types 68-71. A total of 67 species.

Pathological analysis of Enterovirus

Enteroviruses belong to the family Picorna viridae, and viruses of this genus have the same physical and chemical biological characteristics. 

Coxsackie viruses can be divided into A and B groups according to the characteristics of neonatal mice.

Group A can cause extensive myelomyositis and necrosis in rats, causing flaccid paralysis.
There are 24 serotypes in this group. 6 serotypes have been found in group B, which can cause focal myositis, myocarditis, and hepatitis in neonatal rats, Encephalitis, etc.

Ecovirus types 1 to 34 are available, but types 8, 10, 28, and 34 have been classified as other viruses. They are only infectious to humans, but not pathogenic to suckling rats. Monkey kidneys and human kidney cells are responsible for Ecoviruses.

Virus sensitive and can be used to isolate viruses. Since 1968, a new type of enterovirus 68-71, which cannot be neutralized with existing enterovirus immune sera, was discovered.

Since the beginning of spring, the temperature gradually increases and enteroviruses are about to move. It is possible to enter the enterovirus epidemic period at the end of April and early May, reminding parents to pay attention to their hands and young children's hand hygiene, and wash your hands properly.

Enterovirus transmission is diversified

Enterovirus transmission is diversified, mainly through the gastrointestinal tract or the respiratory tract, but can also be transmitted through contact with blisters and secretions on the patient's skin, and the infection is quite high.

After being infected with enterovirus, the incubation period is longer, and the symptoms are mild a few days before the onset. However, the enterovirus is already present in the throat and feces. At this time, it is infectious, and the infectious power is highest within 1 week after the onset. Do not go to school for the time being to avoid passing it on to other children.

Popular group: young children under 5 years old

Transmission channels: Enteroviruses are extremely contagious, mainly transmitted through the gastrointestinal tract (fecal, mouth, water, or food contamination) or the respiratory tract (droplets, coughing, or sneezing), or through contact with blisters and secretions on the patient's skin Infectious.

Incubation period: Symptoms begin to appear in about 3-10 days, and most patients can be cured in about a week.

It is worth mentioning that children with enteroviruses still have a certain infectivity after recovery, and the enteroviruses in the body will still be excreted from the body with feces for up to 8 to 12 weeks. Regarding adults and children, after healing, you should continue to pay attention to personal hand hygiene, wet, rubbing, washing, holding, rubbing and other hand washing steps to avoid infection.

Enterovirus types mostly Keshaqi A

Enterovirus types are mostly Keshaqi A. As for enterovirus 71 and enterovirus D68, patients are mostly mild and sporadic. Infants and young children under the age of 5 have not yet developed their immune systems. After infection with enterovirus, they are prone to severe illnesses such as meningitis, encephalitis, myocarditis, pericarditis, pneumonia, and limb paralysis.

But did you know that there are many types of enteroviruses, including hand-foot-foot disease and pharyngeal herpes? There is no specific medicine for this disease, and only supportive care can be taken, but most children will recover on their own after one week.

Hand, foot and mouth disease does not have a vaccine or a specific medicine. It is mainly supportive therapy, such as: fever, cough, symptom treatment, etc., and pain caused by fever and oral ulcers. During isolation at home, you should pay attention to the amount of water and diet, and take adequate rest.

What is the Prevention of Enterovirus?

Poliomyelitis vaccine is very effective. However, there is no specific control method for other enterovirus infections. Infants and young children should avoid close contact with patients with acute fever. Injection of γ-globulin or placental globulin can also play a certain preventive role. 

Enterovirus, also called enterovirus, is an RNA virus that grows mainly in the intestine. Although it is called enterovirus, it rarely occurs in humans. In virus classification, RNA viruses belonging to class IV.
Enterovirus is named after its English abbreviation "EV" for "Enterovirus", followed by a suffix with a number. For example, EV71, which is prevalent in Asia and North America in recent years and can cause hand, foot and mouth disease is one of them.

1. Be sure to change your clothes when you go home. Don't hurry to hug your children. Wash your hands with soap before hugging or feeding infants.

2. During the epidemic, avoid crowded and inaccessible public places. At the same time, we must also pay attention to the sanitation and ventilation of the home environment.

3. Try to avoid contact with suspected patients, especially pregnant women, newborns and infants.

4. Newborns can breastfeed more to increase resistance.

5. Children's toys (especially fur toys) are often cleaned and disinfected.

6. Caregivers or contacts should pay special attention to personal hygiene.

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