AI will Eliminate nearly 250,000 Government Jobs
Abstract: According to British media reports, robots and
computers will wipe out nearly 250,000 government departments.
According to British media reports, robots and computers will
wipe out nearly 250,000 government departments.
The latest report shows that robots and computers will
eliminate nearly 250,000 government public sector jobs over the next 15 years.
AI will eliminate nearly 250,000 government jobs
Robots can replace
nearly 250,000 public sector workers
According to the report, "chat bots" using websites
and artificial intelligence may increase efficiency and save billions of
pounds, but workers will lose their jobs as a result.
Job Loss due to Artificial Intelligence - AI
According to the reform plan, 90% of British government
jobs-about 130,000 workers in total-will be laid off by 2030, saving a
staggering £ 2.6 billion a year.
If self-service websites and chatbots were launched in the
job market, approximately 90,000 British National Health Service positions and
24,000 general practitioner positions would be cut, saving another £ 1.7
The report said the public sector should learn from the
practice of the Royal Taxation and Customs Authority (HMRC), which has cut
administrative positions from 96,000 to 60,000 over the past 10 years.
As machines can already provide more effective help in the
diagnosis of lung cancer and other routine medical tests, even doctors and
other front-line medical positions will be affected.
The report advocates a Uber-style "temporary
economy" work model, where workers look for jobs online every day. This
approach can help reduce staff in hospitals or schools, and help organisations
such as the Royal Taxation and Customs Service (HMRC) meet seasonal needs,
which are often the most labour-intensive by the end of the year.
At present, the British workforce is still in accordance with
the previous government plan and cannot use technology and new ways of working
to meet demand and achieve the most effective work results.
UK: AI (Artificial Intelligence) will eliminate nearly 250,000 government jobs
The report requires industry sectors to learn from the
practice of the Royal Taxation and Customs Authority (HMRC)
A co-author of the report said, "Using technology to
make such rapid progress may seem controversial, and any loss of work must be
handled with care. However, the result of this reform is better and safer
public sector services smarter and more affordable."
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