How to use Bare Hands to Exercise Muscles?
Freehand fitness has now become a new trend in our fitness.
Many friends choose to do freehand fitness at home due to time constraints.
This is also a way for us to exercise. All our muscle building does not
necessarily have to be done in the gym or on fitness equipment. We can also
complete the muscle building action without these equipment.
What we are talking to you today is how to use freehand
fitness at home to help you build good muscles. See which of the following
actions do you like, and see how many you can stick to.
1. Pass the crunch
The meaning of transmission is to use our arms and legs to transmit something while doing the crunch, so as to achieve the purpose of our crunch. For this thing, you can choose a pillow of the right size.
If you have
a yoga ball at home, then you use a yoga ball to do this action is the best.
When we pass, we need to lift our legs and upper back at the
same time, which makes the training of our abdominal muscles even more
difficult. Remember to use your abs the whole time, and slow down the movement,
as this will test your abdominal muscles even more.
2. Knee crunch
After completing the last crunch, you can rest for a few
seconds before we do this crunch. When we do this abdominal crunch, first of
all we have to know what is knee touch, which means that we need to complete an
action that touches the knee while doing the abdominal crunch.
As shown to us in the picture, before doing this movement, we
need to bend our knees slightly, then lift our knees and touch the knees with
the elbows in the opposite direction to complete the crunches , also slow down
your speed and feel the tension in your belly.
3. Narrow push-ups
The push-ups we usually do are wide-spaced push-ups. This
narrow-spaced push-up can exercise our chest muscles more effectively. Narrow
distance means that the distance between our hands should be narrow, try to
make the hands close together, and then complete the push-up action.
This action tests our chest muscles more than the wide
push-up. If you choose to increase muscle, then you have to be a little harder
on yourself.
4. Single-leg squats
After training your upper body muscles, let's train your
lower body muscles. We all know the squat movement, the essentials of our squat
movement is to keep the back straight, do not bend. When we do this single-leg
squat, we will test our leg strength even more.
As the picture shows us, while doing a squat, you need to
lift one of your legs away from the ground. In this way, your body weight will
be pressed against one of your legs, which will effectively exercise your leg
muscles. If your stable center of gravity is not very good, you can do this
against the wall.
5. Glute bridge
After exercising the legs, we naturally have to exercise our
buttocks and buttocks, so everyone should not forget this classic glute bridge
action. As you've done with glute bridges in the past, when we do this glute
bridge, do a contraction at your peak and feel the tension in your glutes.
There are also some other freehand training movements for
muscle training. If you have better suggestions, you can share them with us and
stick to these exercises. I believe you will gain a lot.
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